Chapter 12

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Law and Rosinante had their fair share of experience in working in Luna Cafe. Most of the customers they served were locals but there was the occasional adventurer, tourist, lost person, marine, or pirate. None of the marines recognize Rosinante, probably because Rosinante wore a mask whenever there's marines. He did learn that marines do like to go to Celeste Island for a vacation or break if they are lucky enough to even find the island and enter. (These marines mostly like the challenge of finding the island and overcoming the dangers of entering the island, those adrenaline junkies.)

Dr. Dove's delay medicine worked without any side effects so Law had been taking the injections. Dr. Dove estimated that the delay medicine could delay the disease for about half a month. During the remaining time Law had, Dr. Dove has been furiously researching the disease. He had help from the information broker regarding the disease through what seemed like primary information from the marines' database. He didn't ask about how they got the information. As long as he can save Law and develops a cure for the syndrome to save any people that also have that disease, he welcomes any information he can get his hands on. He did find it disgusting and cruel that the World Government knew that the amber lead ore is the cause of the disease but decided not to inform the people of White Flevance about it. That little tidbit of information made him shake his head at the corrupt government controlling the world. What he found surprising and a great boost to his research was a sample of the amber lead straight from Flevance. While he investigated the amber lead, he made sure to use a containment suit to study the ore to prevent himself and others from getting sick in a separate room that only he and a few trusted colleagues could enter. He also requested enzymes that he didn't have in his hospital from Sola Hospital and all the other hospitals if Sola Hospital didn't have any. That took around 2 weeks but it was worth it since he made a more effective delay medicine for Law, extending his life by another week.

Generally, it's an unspoken rule that customers of the information broker don't question how the information broker acquired information nor the validity or reliability of the information. The information is always regarded as true. The customers do have to rely on the information to form actions and decisions based on the information and it'll be much faster if the customers don't check if every bit of information is true.  And so far, the information broker had never led him astray.

When Dr. Dove finally found a cure, he was running on caffeine for a few days. It's times like emergency situations that he's glad he ate a devil fruit that lets him reenergize himself. He just had the habit to drink caffeine to make him more energized. The energy-energy fruit basically lets him recharge himself and others. A month has passed since then and he ordered the materials for the cure immediately after finding the cure. Sola Hospital didn't have the materials so when he ordered it from other islands, it was estimated to arrive in 2 weeks. Law, Rosinante, and the Watanabe family were happy about the cure, that Law could finally live to his adult life and beyond. They had a party at the cafe after the customers were gone at the end of the day. Mixed fruit cream cake, many varieties of cookies, and some ice cream at the end, all of them contain Rosinante's and Law's favorites.

The conflict arose when the shipment of materials didn't arrive on time so Dr. Dove called the islands again, receiving the excuse that the weather was terrible and there were pirates that were attacking their ships, taking the materials. They said that a new shipment would take another 2 weeks. By that time, Law would drop dead.

Dr. Dove was not happy.

Luckily, the information broker finally found information about the location of the ope-ope fruit. It was located in Minion Island, guarded by the Diez Barrels Pirates. Both Rosinante and Law made their way there after saying their goodbyes. By that time, Law and Rosinante became part of the Watanabe family. Law became a true big brother to Tsukimi and a son to Misaki and Mamoru. Law regarded the Watanabe parents as his aunt and uncle.

On the day they left to go to Minion Island, no tears were shed. All of them didn't allow themselves to cry. There's no need to cry when Law would be fine. Law will consume the fruit and live. There's no other outcome other than to eat the fruit and live that the Watanabe family will accept. Dr. Dove was also there to see them off. He gave them more than enough delay medicine and relief medicine so Law would have the least possible pain when traveling. The Watanabe family also gave them an eternal pose. When anyone from Celeste Island gives an eternal pose, it shows that they trust the person to use it and not let it fall in the wrong hands. Celeste Island is a floating island of the sea so it's difficult to find the island. Thus, trusted merchants would acquire eternal poses from their business partners in order to continue conducting business. It is also a way to prevent unsavory people from ever finding the island once they make a bad impression. There were also records containing who is currently in possession of the eternal poses to lessen the chance of the townspeople accepting people with fake identities. In addition, Tsukimi might've left them a present when left: an illusion that'll serve its purpose when they are in dire trouble.

A few days after they were gone, a person came to visit the Luna Cafe for a nice cup of Darjeeling Tea. His name is Fujitora.

Fujitora came to Celeste Island once he heard rumors of a nice little cafe that has the most wonderful music and even better, the island is in his path. So, he might as well visit it. Who knows when he'll ever set foot on the island again.

The tea was especially great with cream pie. Along with the calming music, it's a great way to relax and think. He's been doing a lot of thinking about the world and his life. He thinks about the day he chose to close his eyes to the world, forever blinding his eyesight to not look at the terrible things in the world. It has been many years since he lost his eyesight and he can say that he's been doing fine without it. He uses a stick as a way to help him walk and has long since learned to use it as a weapon. His observation haki increased to make up for the loss of sight. He didn't regret losing his eyesight until he met a little girl in the Luna Cafe.

Tsukimi was a curious, interesting girl. He finds her intelligent beyond her years, knowing the correct time to ask questions or keep silent. He can tell that she's always listening to whatever snippets of conversation she can catch. It's impressive for a three year old to do so. Hence, he decided to indulge in his curiosity and started conversing with the girl.

Each conversation left him feeling like he's talking to an adult, save for a few childish remarks and actions. So intrigued by the meaningful conversations and mysterious songs, he came every day to talk and listen. He learned that Tsukimi is aspiring to be the world's best detective, she likes cats, and sweets are her favorite thing to eat. Honestly, some situations that don't involve the meaning of life are cute. He began seeing her as a niece.

Therefore, he was worried when Tsukimi had a case involving a traveling merchant who hired mercenaries to protect them and their cargo and one of the townspeople.

Let's just say that Tsukimi had a lecture from her parents and Fujitora for putting herself in danger (even though it wasn't exactly her fault) and praised for solving the case.

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