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"Why- I'm terribly sorry but I must be going!" You left the twins and ran towards JJ's voice. "JJ! I'M HERE!" At the sound of your voice he came running through the woods and emerged from the bushes "Thank heavens. We weren't able to find the twins but we were able to find you thankfully. Don't go running off again especially if you hear anything weird, it's dangerous." He lectured on as the both of you stuck together on the way back to the tea party.

"So which way is it?" You asked and he took a while to think about it "This, there, everywhere!" He laughed madly "But no. It's there." He pointed right in front of you to the gloomy yet stunning tea party that you've been trying to get back to for ages. You let out a big sigh of relief "I've been trying to get back here forever!" you ran up to the white rabbit and squeezed it in a big hug but instantly jumped back when It started to talk

"But how long is forever? Forever could be a million years but it could also mere second."

"You- You can talk?"

The March Hare then spoke up with a strong Scottish accent "Well aye of course he can talk. Just cuz' we're a load of daft wee animals doesnae mean we canny talk, that's a load of pish-" He was about to continue until JJ cut him off to prevent his bad language from getting worse. "Now, now, now, that just won't do. We must be nice to our guest for it is her un-birthday." they all widened their eyes and gasped apart from Mallykmum who was face-palming "Ye dinny say!" the March hare shouted and started to sing.

"A verrrrrrrryyyyy merry un-birthday to you!~"

Then JJ joined in "To you!"

"A very merry un-birthday to you!~"

"Yes this is all amazing but what did you want me here for in the first place? Why did you all tell me to come here?" you asked "Oh... Because we need your help against the queen of hearts... She's planning to KKKKK" He made a weird sound and did a chopping motion on his neck to signify that she wants to kill him or something. "She wants to kill you?" You asked just to make sure that you got the message right, he shook his head at first, then nodded then shook his head while nodding and looking mental "She wants to chop off my head." JJ admitted.

The cat's voice then came back, but not the cat itself "You don't say so, Mr. Jo?" JJ frowned at the name "Why do you still call me that, Cheshire? I've made It very clear that Jo isn't my name." JJ snapped at the 'cat' which looked like he was just arguing with smoke in the air.

"Well, that isn't what you told me when you first arrived. You told me your first name and your last. I call you Mr. Jo because I refuse to tell you your first name until you remember it. Goodbye, hatter." The smoke evaporated and blew away with the wind.

𝔚𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡 - 𝔍𝔬 𝔍𝔦𝔫𝔥𝔬Where stories live. Discover now