Unexpected Victory

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"The Time has come, my friends. This day determines our fate. Should we lose, we should remain together. Should we  win, we should show mercy to whatever degree is deserved"

Mangle's voice rang out over the gathered, who stood in a cluster in the backstage area.

"Alright! Let's see our results!" Mangle walked back to where Foxy stood. He'd followed Vixen's directions and managed to get to thier YouTube channel.

~X A Few Minutes Later X~

"Okay... How much did we get?" DJ demanded impatiently.

"9,999!" Mangle called. "We originally had twice as many likes, but happened to have 9,999 dislikes as well."

"Alright then, let's go see their results."


A few chosen members of The Gathered, Foxy, Dawn (A Golden Retriever), and Mangle, walked into the main party room, in animatronic form. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and The Puppet Master stood at the far end of the room. The Gathered approached them nervously.

"Well, How did you do, Puppies?" The Puppet Master crossed his arms.

"9,999" Mangle replied. The Toys laughed. "What, like you could do better?" Mangle was beginning to get frusturated.

"10 thousand." Toy Bonnie laughed. Mangle took a step back.

"We... Lost?" She managed.

"By one point, too!" Toy Chica added, laughing. Foxy held Mangle back as she tried to lunge forwards. He looked up at the Toys. They stood tall, looking down on them menacingly as Foxy pulled Mangle down to the floor. Dawn dipped her head low, keeping her eyes on the toys.

"You three. Get out of my sights. Need i remind you of our deal?" The Puppet Master struck Dawn with force that sent her a few feet away. She lay motionless on the ground, Not following when Foxy pulled Mangle away. Mangle tried to resist, screaming hateful things to the victorious Toys. Foxy eventually got her into the hallway to the backstage area.

Mangle leaned against a wall and sunk to the ground, turning human as she did so. She curled her knees up to her chest and cried. Foxy knelt down. The sound of metal scraping against metal could be heard as he, too became human. He put a hand on Mangle's knee. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face.

"How?" she cried.

"How what?"

"How did he manage to ki-" Mangle sobbed uncontrollably. "Kill Dawn?"

"I..." Foxy paused, thinking for a moment. "I don't know..."

"C-could we repair her? Like you repaired me?"

"Aye, Maybe." Mangle brightened a tiny bit, barely noticable.

"I... I'm gonna try and get her without being noticed. You go tell the others the news."

"Alright, but ye better not try anythin' stupid."

"Aye Aye, Captain." Mangle sniffled and gave a small, shaky solute before standing up and walking back the way she came. She peeked around the corner. Nobody in sight. She sprinted to where Dawn lay, in the middle of the main party room. She grabbed the animatronic's hand and began slowly hauling her back to the hall. She stopped. the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the room. She cried out in pain as something struck the back of her head. Then everything faded into darkness.

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