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  • Dedicated to All Of You Awesome Readers!

Hey y'alls! Sorry for my absense for a couple days! Got in trouble for uh... Something. But yeah i'm back! More chapters gonna be posted soon!

If you wanna see some... Y'know... Illustrations for the story, check out my Facebook!

Golden Starling Art Studio

I'm working on a few thing for this story in particular. I've already got human Mangle drawn, with the FNAF camera effect. I may post another version without the static effect later. But yeah, next i think ima do Chica. Got my heart set on it!


I have OVER ONE THOUSAND reads on this story, and those THOUSAND+ reads wouldn't have happened without you AMAZING BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE from ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE and i can NOT thank you enough!!! The comments i get from y'all can be pretty entertaining as well! I love hearing that you guys love this story and that you get that sense of suspense when i give you a cliff hanger! It means so much to a middle schooler to hear that she may have a great future as a fiction writer!

Thank you guys once again for over ONE THOUSAND reads! Have a GREAT day and please,

Stay Cool, Dudes!

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