"Period cramps"

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Kat's POV

I gasped waking up from my dream. Oh-no NO NO NO. This can't happen. I have to get to the pack witch, now. I rushed down stairs, still in my pajama shorts and tee, I ran outside and shifted into my white and brown spotted wolf. I felt free as my huge fluffy paws pounded against the soil. Running all the way down to the edge of the territory took me about 25 minutes, and that was with me sprinting in wolf form. When I got to the witch's cottage I stayed in wolf form, not wanting to be naked, in case a border guard showed up.

"Hello, dear, how are you?" Rose, a little old lady asked me. She looked to be in her 80s maybe. I Only wagged my tail, because she can't understand wolf language.
"That's good, I assume you want a change of clothes?" I yipped in approval. She walked back into the house and came out a few seconds later holding sweat pants and a t-shirt. Offering me the clothes, she held out her hands, I gladly took them in my mouth, and went behind a tree. I changed and walked into the quaint little yellow house. "Hi, I'm Kat Miller" I said politely, showing my hand to shake.
"Ahhh, the betas daughter, nice to finally meet you." she shook my hand, her hand was wrinkly and soft.
"So how can I help you?" She asked sitting down.
"Well I need advise, but I should explain first." I sat down, and explained the dream up until the end.
"So what advise do you need, it was just a dream.?"
"Well, ever since I was little, some of my dreams come true, and I can feel that this one will happen." I said slowly, looking her in the eyes.
"Honey isn't this an issue you should be going to your mother for? I mean, I'm not a wolf, I know about as much about mates as you know about how to make a potion." She said with a chuckle on the end.
"My mother was murdered by the Black sun pack." I said with a straight face.
"Oh, dear I'm terribly sorry I forgot. It's been so long, and I'm getting old. I don't remember things like I use to."
"It's fine, but I just can't be Luna to a pack of murderers." I sighed looking down at my hands.
"Well do you think there was a reason, they attacked the pack?" She asked.
"Well I don't really know. I was only 5 at the time, I can't quite remember. And nobody has told me anything, besides that they attacked our pack, and took the lives of hundreds of innocent wolves, and pups." I told, remembering the story my dad had once told me, when I had asked about my mother one day. "Mommy, and sister DeeDee were taken by a mean pack, called the Black Sun pack." My dad explained. I was 8 at the time so I could pretty much guess what "taken" meant. "Are they alive?" Little me asked, a spark of hope still ignited in me.
No was all he had said before leaving me to cry on my own.
"Kat are you alright?" Rose said, shaking me out of my memories.
"Fine" I said sniffling and wiping the tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"I have my final advise. Search for a reason as to why they attacked us. If they have a reason that you think is good enough, give him a chance. If you don't think it's good enough, or they don't have a reason, don't give it a chance. But be warned, if you choose the later, you will be without a mate for the rest of your being."
"Thank you. Oh and when should I bring these clothes back."
"You can keep them dear." she said walking with me towards the door
"Have a nice day, Rose, I'll let you know how it works out."

I stripped and held the clothes in my hand, then shifted. Taking the clothes in my mouth I ran all the way back to the pack house.

-- 7 hours later--
"Kat are you ready to go?" Lucinda knocked on my door. Oh shit I forgot to tell them I can't come. I thought fast and pulled up the covers on my bed, muting my tv I yelled "Come in"
"Hey, you aren't coming?" Lucinda looked worried that I was tucked away in my bed.
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I'm having some terrible terrible cramps, they're OWEEE" I groaned mid sentence for effect. She looked like she was buying it. This was probably the best lie I've told ever.
"Oh sweetie is there anything I can bring you?" She said sitting on the corner of my bed. "No no you go have your last night of freedom fun. I have all I need right here." I pointed to my flat screen and mini fridge.
"Ok well I hope your cramps pass, feel better" she said closing the door as she walked out. Few glad that's over. I guess I have the night to myself. I know what to do, I'll go hang out with Luke. Luke, my best friend since preschool, he was always there for me.
He's the alphas son, and once he finds his mate he'll be the alpha of the pack. I walked down the hall to his room and stopped at his blue door. He opened his door before I could even knock.

"Hey" he said coolly, side stepping to let me into his room.
"How'd you know I was there, I didn't knock." I asked, confused.
"Alpha senses. Well that and I could here your clomping slippers all the way down the hall." he snickered. I looked at him, taking in his sandy blonde hair, square jaw, and grey/blue eyes. I ran and jumped on his blue bed. "I brought two movies, the exorcist, or sinister, which one?" I asked excitedly, scary movies are my favorite!!
"Hmmmmm considering we watched both of those yesterday I'm gonna have to go with neither." he chuckled, walking over to the movies. I pouted and crossed my arms, "just because you watch a movie the day before doesn't mean you can't watch it again!" I argued back.
"How about, Mamma?" He suggested. "Ugh fine I guess that's ok, it's no sinister but it's still kinda scary." I walked over to his mini fridge and grabbed 2 cokes, and some chocolate, then threw it on the bed. Next I grabbed a bag of popcorn, and set it in the microwave for 3 minutes. All the while Luke was still trying to find the movie. "Dude hurry up, if by the time the popcorn is ready, you still haven't found it, I'm gonna uhhh errrm..." I tried to think of a suitable punishment. "OH I KNOW! I'll hit you!" I said smiling, thinking of how scared he must be.
"All that time thinking and that's the best you could come up with?" He smirked at me. "SHUT UP" I yelled at him. BEEP BEEP BEEP the microwave alarm went off. "tsk tsk tsk you still don't have the movie do you?" I asked grabbing a wooden spoon, he'll be scared now. "OHH NOOOO"he fake screamed, holding his face in terror. He bent over on his hands and knees and wiggled his butt in the air. Knowing he was joking I used my werewolf speed, ran over to him and spanked him hard with the spoon. "OWWWEEEE" he yelled toppling over grabbing his bum.

"That's what you get!! HAHAA YES SUCK IT BITCH" I screamed, laughing. He charged at me pinning me to the ground and started to tickle me. "No no no please" I wheezed between laughs.
"It's too late now." he replied, but in all the commotion, mainly me flailing my limbs like a rag doll, I kicked him in the face.
"Oh my gosh Luke I am so sorry" I said still laughing.
"It's fine it will heal." he said holding his now bloody nose.
"Well I'm gonna get the movie, while you go take care of yourself." I walked over, but when I got there the movie was on top. I grabbed it and put it in the blue ray. the tv screen popped on, while I was setting it up Luke came back in and grabbed the bowl of popcorn, put it on the bed and left the room. "I'M DONE" I yelled for Luke, he came back in holding sleeping bags and pillows. "SLEEPOVER" he said, sounding like an eight year old girl.

--end of movie--
I yawned and shut the movie off, Luke fell asleep during the last 20 minutes of it, leaving me to turn everything off. Its 1:30 now and I have to be up early tomorrow to get ready for the wedding. Well, I can bring designer bags, under my eyes. Turning of the lights with the remote control, I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

HERRO!!😎 me rka0102 and me finish nother chapter. me hope you enjoy.

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