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Ok the bride is Lucinda obviously BUT Kat isn't in that picture so don't think any of those girls are Kat, and those are the bridesmaids dresses

(A/N) REAL QUICK! Promise. So I have no idea who to cast as alpha Greyson. if you guys could name an attractive actor or human being THAT WOULD BE GREAT!! THANKS LOVES.

Kat's POV••••
I woke up stretched out all over the place. My left foot was on Luke's chest, my left hand was in the bowl of popcorn, my right leg was just laying there and my right hand was on a pile of, now melted, chocolate. Wow, I thought to myself, I must be really hot if I can melt chocolate like that. Snickering, I moved off of Luke and sat up. Getting a great idea, I used my left hand to grab my phone and get a video ready. Starting the video I leaned over Luke and yelled "SMACK CAM!" Then slapped him with my chocolate hand.
He woke up startled, but the best thing was the big chocolate hand print on his face. I took at least 20 pictures of him.

I got up and ran out of his room, but not before I grabbed his secret stash of m&ms, ripped open the bag and threw them all over the floor.
I ran out laughing so hard I was crying. I stopped in the middle of the hall way when I heard him yell.
"NOOOOOOO MY M&MS! THAT WAS COLD HEARTED EVEN FOR YOU KAT!" I ran back into the room to see him look up at me with tears in his eyes, but when I saw his face I burst out laughing so hard I was on the ground clutching my stomach.

Stuck to the chocolate hand print were a bunch of m&ms, indicating that he had been rolling around in them.

He started to get up, which meant I needed to high tail my ass out of there before he decided to get revenge. Which I could tell by his eyes, he was already planning, but I saw another thing, lust?. As I sprinted down the hall I saw the maid, I slowed down and said "Tell him I went right." then turned left. Just to make him believe, I threw my slippers down the right hallway so he would think I went there.
I went down 4 flights of stairs and into the kitchen. Panting, I grabbed a water bottle and a granola bar then ran out side.

We always keep clothes in little boxes all around our territory, and by the pool there's a box with bathing suits. I grabbed a black and blue bikini that looked like it would fit me and changed behind a tree. While I was changing I looked up to the house and saw Luke looking out of a window, down at the pool, searching for me, but when he didn't see me, he kept running.
As soon as I sat down on a pool chair, I remembered. ITS THE DAY OF THE WEDDING!
I ran back inside and straight into my room to get ready. I took a 20 minute shower and put on my cute cream and "seafoam green", as Lucinda called it, brides maid dress.
I dried my hair then ran down to Lucinda's room where all the other bridesmaids were getting ready, along with the bride herself. "Hey everyone sorry I'm late, I forgot" My excuse sounded so lame, if I was a bully, I'd beat myself up.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Lucinda said sounding exhausted. "You were suppose to be here 30 minutes ago, you need to go over to a hair stylist chair and have one of the maids do your hair." She said, pointing to an empty chair with a maid organizing her station. She wasn't wearing her dress yet, so all she had on was silk blue slip.
(A/n) A slip is a short, thin, dress that you wear under a dress so you can't see your underwear, it can also be worn as a nightgown.
As I walked over to the chair I could hear footsteps running down the hall.
It was Luke. "tell him I'm not here!" I yelled as I hid under the vanity.
He, of course, knocked because if he didn't he could be walking in on 11 girls getting changed. Lucinda quickly wrapped a robe around herself and answered the door. "Yes alpha?"
"I'm looking for Kat. Is she in here?" He asked looking into the room.
"No she's not here, but if you find her tell her to get her ass down here, she's late." She played it off perfectly.
"Oh, sorry." Luke said then ran off.

I crawled out from under the vanity. "Thanks guys, he's trying to kill me for destroying his stash of M&Ms, and slapping him." I smirked, remembering my triumph over him. They all laughed and carried on with getting ready.
I sat in the chair and relaxed as the maid did all kinds of things to my hair.

When I looked at the master piece that was my hair I gasped. "It's so pretty Margery! Thanks so much" I thanked the maid for the beautiful halo braid she did using my long blond hair.
Now it's time for my makeup. when I reached the makeup stations there was an elderly lady there, she scowled at me.
"Hi" I said as friendly as possible. she just kept on scowling. So maybe it wasn't me maybe she's just in a bad mood or something. "What do you want" she croaked out. The sound of her voice was like nails on a chalk board.

She must have been a siren. When Sirens don't drink the blood of their victims they start to age like a regular old human. Until they reach the age 60, once they're 60 it all goes down hill, they get mean, ugly, and sound like the total opposite of a siren. So she was probably really old when she decided she wanted to actually grow old and die. Either that or she's just a cranky old hag who's really mean.
"If you could do my makeup, please." I have to stay nice or I'll cause a scene.
"I know that you stupid girl, how do you want it done." I clenched my hands into fists, trying to relax myself.
"Just lightly, cream, with sea-foam accents, please."
"Whatever just sit down and close your eyes." she snickered. Why is she snickering? What's her problem? I thought.

•••*•••*•••*•••*•••Makeup being done

"You can look now, I'm finished trying to make you pretty. It was pretty hard considering, well, your face." She laughed at her own insult and spun the chair around. "OH MY GOD! YOU BITCH" I screamed. In the mirror looking back at me was not an angel with beautiful makeup. it was a clown. THIS BITCH PUT CLOWN MAKEUP ON ME! My eyes turned black.

"Do you have any idea what you just did, YOU OLD UGLY FUCKING BITCH!" The whole room stopped and stared. I had to control myself, and keep from slapping her. Remember, she's old. Her age was the only thing keeping me from bitch slapping this hoe. "YOU ARE GONNA CLEAN THIS UP AND RE DO IT, AND SO HELP ME GODDESS IF IT ISNT PERFECT I WILL-" I was cut off by Lucinda's calm voice. "kaaat, deep breaths." I listened to her. Usually my beta nature would take that as a challenge, because she's commanding me and she's not my alpha. But even though Lucinda is at a lower rank than me, she's still older than me and I respect that. She's like my older sister, she pretty much told me everything I know about being a woman, after my mom died my dad went into a depression and couldn't take care of me, so Lucinda did.

"Just take it off and do it correctly." I said calming down.


any way I'll update the wedding, next chapter.

comment make me holla honey boo boo child. (If you don't know what that is well that's sad for you.)
Votes are like omg toats ma goats
But I don't really care about follows BUT YOU CAN IF U WANT😘😘


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