All You Can(t) Eat

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Chris stands on the top left of the prison, next to Warden Chef. "Last time on Total Drama Imprisonment: We introduced our twelve contestants to the horrors of The Hole in Alcatraz Prison! Jasmine was the first to run from her cell, giving her an automatic elimination! After a rough day, Justin, the formerly-hot teen wonder eliminated himself, saying he was turning, -once again-, into an ugly monster! Mehehe! Hilarious! Now, only ten remain! Who will stay? Who will go? Will Mike be able to keep his personalities in check, as he tries to win Zoey back? Man, I hope not! But find out right here on Total Drama Imprisonment!

The theme song plays, and the only group awake are those in Dawn's cell. Zoey and Dawn sit on their beds, watching the sunrise from the view they got from the fully fiberglass wall.

"Her work is so beautiful..." Dawn mumbled, smiling at the view.

Confused, Zoey looks at Dawn. "Her..?"

"The Earthmother..." came the Swedish, female voice coming from Mike's body. "She is so gorgeous in all she does."

The two actual girls look at Svetlana, confused.

"How are you..?" Zoey asked, tilting her head.

"I have been given control." Svetlana answered, looking at the two. "We all have decided to... As you say... Share?"

"Mike would never allow that. ...Would he?" questioned Dawn.

"Ever since what happened between him and Zoey, he has given up control, and joined the fight against the Malevolent One."

Zoey sighs in acceptance, smiling. "Well, I'm glad that you've all chosen to work together for a change."

Svetlana nods in agreement. "Oh, yes! However I do have one problem." She looks around the room, which only has two beds. "I noticed that you, Dawn, slept on the floor. As Chris neglected to tell us that there are only two beds. If you would like, you may share with me, or even switch."

The nature enthusiast shakes her head. "Oh, no. It is quite alright. I do not need a bed for comfort, as long as I know nature is near."

"And thanks to you," added Zoey, "Nature is always near, in this room."

The three agree, and the camera switches to one of the rooms of two. Shawn and Rodney are both asleep in their beds. The one card to let Shawn in or out is laying on the nightstand, and Rodney is clutching a photo with Jasmine, Amy, Samey and Scarlett in it.

In Duncan, Gwen and Heather's room, the two darker individuals are asleep in the same bed, while Heather is snugly laying in one of her own.

Lastly, in the room of Sam and Scott, the gamer sleeps, with twelve handheld electronics littering his bed, all being charged. Along the walls are gaming systems of all types, and it's quite obvious that this is all Sam brought with him.

Suddenly, Chef's voice blares through the cabins from the intercom. "Good morning, Maggots! This is The Warden speaking! The time now is 0700! You are all to be dressed and in the Mess Hall in twenty minutes! Move it!"

As the voice quiets down, Scott groans, walking from his cell. "Ahh, the goodness of living on a dirt farm. I'm not tired! I wake up at this time every day!"

The two girls, along with a shirtless Mike, who is presumed to be Vito, walks to the Mess Hall. "A room wit two ladies? Now dis is da life!"

Zoey smacks the teen upside the head as Shawn exits his cell, closely followed by Rodney.

"C'mon, Rod!" Shawn yells out, holding the card in his hand. "The door locks automatically, so you can't get in or out without either me or Chris!"

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