Let's Be Honest

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[Just to clarify, this chapter has to do (in part) with a small project I did on Fanfiction.net awhile back. It helps give light on Jay's backstory a bit. If you're confused, feel free to ask me about a little thing called Total Drama High School. Thank you,  and enjoy. <3]

"Last time on Total Drama Imprisonment;" said Chris, smirking outside a large room, thought to be his own quarters. "Our campers were given a very simple task! Shoot each other! Mehehe... Duncan and Gwen got a bit close! Duncan and Heather got a bit close! It seems that sharing a room with two girls may have gone to his head! But, that aside, Dawn won last-minute, and I allowed her to choose who was going home! Instead of choosing Mal, who not only is back, and more evil than ever, PLUS, she would have been safe until the final four, she chose Scott to get the boot. Only eight remain! Sam is immune until the final four, but the rest are fair game! I hope you're ready! Because it's time for Total Drama Imprisonment!

The theme is played, and the Sam is shown alone in his room, playing on a handheld gaming console, as well as a laptop. "Hah! This rules! A room all to myself, /and/ immunity for the next few challenges?! Yes!"

"Actually..." Chris said, peeping in on him. "You still have to do the challenges! If you don't, I will personally disqualify you!"

"Not cool..." came the response.

"Them's the rules!"

In the next cell over, Rodney is in the cell alone, shaking his head, then his eyes spot the card that Shawn had left behind. He grins and begins to whisper; "Man, Shawn... Forgetting something?" He then pocketed the card.

Little did he know, Shawn was with Warden Hatchet, watching the cameras of the cell. "Hmph..." he mumbled as the former chef smirked. "Thanks, Warden. Now I know exactly who I can trust..."

The Warden nodded, chuckling. "You know..? he said in a hushed voice. "This gives me a good challenge idea..."

"What's happening there..?" Shawn asked, pointing at the screen that shows Gwen, Duncan and Heather.

In their cell, the three appear to be simply playing cards in their darkly colored room.

"Hit," mumbled Heather, obviously showing that they're playing blackjack.

Duncan, who's the dealer, hands her another card and she grins.

Gwen smirks and shakes her head. "I'm good."

Duncan grabs another card and sighs. "Bust..."

Gwen lightly chuckles looking at Heather and flipping her cards over to show two faces. "Twenty."

Heather flips her first two cards over, showing a ten and a six. She then flips over the last card she was give. It's a four.

"Push," says Duncan. "But I lost that one, so..."

The juvenile strips himself of his shirt with a grin, then deals another two cards to the girls. "Let's see, then..."

Heather grins, putting her cards down. "Twenty! Stay!"

Gwen rolls her eyes, asking for a hit.

Duncan hands her another card and she groans. The camera zooms in at her cards. There's a three, a ten and a six. Nineteen.

Gwen mumbles a single word. "Hit..."

Duncan gives her another card. A three. Bust.

The goth pouts, looking down. "Twenty-two..."

Heather smirks widely, leaning back.

As Gwen begins to untie her corset, the camera changes to Dawn and Mike's room.

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