Chapter 4

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The talent portion washed away every bit of boredom inside of me. Although, my butt already kind of hurts because of the hard, plastic chair I am sitting on, so I decided to go to the restroom, and freshen up.

Everybody seems so preoccupied with the magic tricks of the performing contestant, I took the chance to sneak out and walk my way towards the bathroom.

"Damn, you are so lucky!" Aluie exclaimed on the phone, her voice seems so raspy, probably because of fangirling too much.

"Yeah, kind of." I answered while washing my hands, hues from the makeup started to go with the cold run of water, leaving my hands sparkly clean.

"What do you mean kind of?! Weren't you so crazy for Bright? You even joined the Bright's Wives group!" She started to blabber about my fangirl journey.

I shushed her, "Duh! Of course I am still his fan, I just don't want the dude to get creeped out. Besides, this is a pageant, not his meet and greet." I explained, she seemed to be pretty convinced on why I am not hyperventilating while Bright and I are under the same roof.

The call ended and I find my way back to my seat. Although what I have said is true, the real reason is kind of funny.

Being someone's fan eventually drained me a little bit. It's like fantasizing over someone who will never ever look at you as more than just a fangirl. And that was the reality that struck my core. The thought that I might be just fooling myself tired me out, and made me lie low. I never told Aluie, though.

Monica's hand found its way towards my shoulder, that woke me up from my dazed state.

"Come on, it's almost Monique's turn." I followed her to the backstage and saw her sister, I curled the ends of her hair, and put an eyeshadow which made her blue eyes pop out even more. She's going to play the violin, I think.

"Where's your partner?" I asked her, I noticed how uneasiness and anxiety is evident in her eyes and that she is kind of fidgety.

"He suddenly backed out! What's wrong with today? It's like bad luck!" Monique panicked.

"Hey, calm down, we'll find a way, okay?" Her sister comforted her and calmed her down. I bit my lip, thinking if I should...

"I'll play the piano for you."

The music notes from the piece she's going to play wasn't that discombobulating, also, Bach's air is a really mellow piece. Monica made me change into a black dress, it's the only spare costume that she has, and it probably suits our performance later. It contrasts her sister's white one.

I studied the music sheet for minutes until we got called.

A white grand piano sits sublimely at the center of the stage, the lights aren't that blinding, but it illuminated the white porcelain keys and highlighted the beauty of the instrument.

That is when my heart started to beat frantically, as if it wants to burst out of my chest and leave this place immediately. I calmed myself down and sat on the bench. I removed every bothering thought that I have inside of my head.

Vachirawit Chivaree is going to watch me play.

Monique signaled me to start, and so I did. My fingers danced along the black and white keys, creating art in form of music.

The best thing that I love about art, is that I could make it as solely mine. I played the piece as if I'm the one who composed and came up with it. I played it as if I am a woman who is madly in love with someone who loves music.

I played the piece as if it was for Bright.

He never left my mind the whole time. Playing in front of my long time idol is a one in a million experience, I lived in the moment and enjoyed everything until we finally finished, and people applauded.

I bowed my head, together with Monique. The stage lights made it hard for us to see the audience, I bet it helped for me to not get distracted.

"Thank you, Yano. My talent would have been a waste without your company." She hugged me. I chuckled and patted her back.

"You are very much welcome, Monique!" I told her to eat first and that I'll meet her later for the evening gown portion.

My hands are still shaking, I can't believe that I played in front of thousands of people. In front of celebrities!

"Excuse me," A woman approached me, a bright smile is plastered across her foreign face, "I am Chivaree's manager."

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