Chapter 1

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"So, Ms. Hart, your request to be a caretaker of five has been accepted, this is what you wanted, correct ?" A worker of the HMSP, Hidden Monster Society Program, who was looking at papers, asks Elizabeth Hart. Elizabeth nodded her head,

"That's correct," she answers in a confident voice.

"And you are also aware of the difficulty?" the worker added looking up slightly from their papers to look at Elizabeth. Elizabeth nodded her head. "Then you may proceed, Ms. Hart, best of luck."

Elizabeth left the HMSP building and went out to the front where a car will pick her up to take her to her new home, with odd roommates. She found her designated car and entered it, finding her luggage also there, just like they promised. As her driver took her to where she needed to be, Elizabeth's mind was filled with curiosity on these monsters.

The drive was long and took her far away from her old home. The city she was now living in was on a huge land surrounded by water and a thick forest, great for staying hidden. Elizabeth came out of the car when it stopped at the gate of the city. She grabbed her luggage and walked up to the gate which had two people who looked like guards with guns, blocking the gate.

"Paperwork?"One of the guards says. Elizabeth nodded her head and pulled out her papers from her backpack, showing them to the guard. The guard looked through them and nodded their head, opening the gate for her. "Enjoy your new home," they said.

Elizabeth walked past the guards and through the gates, entering her new home and work area. The city was big, filled with life. Although there were barely any cars, supposedly there was no point since there were subways that moved faster than driving a car. Elizabeth continued walking down the sidewalk of this city, going past shops, restaurants, and other buildings until she made it to a big condo. 'Here it is!' Elizabeth thought excitedly as she entered, being greeted by the landlord at the desk. The landlord looked like a sweet old lady with her big glasses and curly white hair.

"Ah! You must be Elizabeth Hart" The old lady says cheerfully, "I'm glad to have a new caretaker come in for room 329. They've been quite troublesome when their last caretaker moved." Elizabeth was a bit confused about the old lady's last statement but brushed it off. "You can just call me Liz, andI'm glad to be here too, Ms-..." Elizabeth begins to say but looks at the landlord for her name. "Ms. Yin" The old lady finishes. Elizabeth nods, "Well, Mrs. Yin, you don't have to worry about room 329, I'll be a great caretaker for them" she speaks with confidence.  Ms. Yin smiles kindly and hands Elizabeth her keys, "Enjoy your stay then, dearie"

Elizabeth takes her key from the landlord and heads up the stairs until she made it to room 329. She takes a deep breath, a bit nervous about what kind of personality her roommates have. "You got this, Liz" she mumbles to herself, then she opens the door. Elizabeth slowly opened the door poking her head in then entering completely, "Hello?" she called but no answer. 'This can't be the wrong room...right?' she thought as she set her backpack and luggage down next to the door, "Maybe they're out right now?" she tells herself.

Suddenly, a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering can be heard from one of the rooms followed by a female screaming, "VEX!!! YOU SON OF A-!!!!"

"Shit, shit, shit!!!" a transparent young man curses as he fazes through the door and running away from where the yelling was coming from. He notices Elizabeth and quickly put his hands, which were turning solid, on her shoulders, and speaks with a tone of urgency, " You're our new caretaker, right?!" Elizabeth didn't have time to say anything but nodded her head. "Great!" He says, as his whole body turned solid and gravity pulled down his slightly curly brown hair, "then you can calm her down, right?" he asks as he hides behind Elizabeth pushing the smaller person in front of him. Elizabeth didn't have time to react when the door that the man ran out of slammed open with a beautiful tall young woman with her hair brushed to one side and a sharp and elegant curved horn came out from her head. She came stomping towards Elizabeth and the man, she looked very irritated and looked intimidating. Elizabeth mustered up as much courage as she could and cleared her throat, "Hello, I am your new caretaker, Elizabeth and I would care..." The angry female walked past Elizabeth and went straight to the man, who was currently backing up, trying to put distance but failing, "...for an explanation?" she finished with confusion.

The female grabbed the male by the collar of his jacket, "You screwed up big time, Vex! When I'm done, you're going to end up in a vacuum!"

Vex looked terrified, having a nervous smile, "y-you know, as fun as that sounds, Amyha, our new caretaker is here" he says

"I'm not falling for that, Vex!" Amyha hissed until Elizabeth clears her throat, "Excuse me!" Elizabeth yells almost having a tone of command to it. Amyha dropped Vex, who immediately turned transparent and disappeared, Amyha turned around and looks down at Elizabeth, "You're our caretaker?" The tall, horned female asks, she didn't look amused or interested, the energy she gave was intimidating. Elizabeth looked up at her, trying to keep her composure, "Yes, I am" she answers, "and I would like an explanation for why you're mad"  The tall female had a cold expression as she started walking to her room and stands next to the door, "Look in, and you'll see why I'm pissed at Casper the ghost"

Elizabeth walks over and peers into the room.  The room was fairly clean but then it caught Elizabeth's eye immediately, on the floor was shattered glass and porcelain all over the floor.  There also seemed to be paint all over the floor and some of the glass shards.  Elizabeth looked bewildered, "What happened here?"

Author's Note-

Grammarly decided to not work for the main story, and my writing skills are a 6/10.  So, if there's any writing or grammar mistakes, I am very sorry.  Anyways, hope you like the first chapter and this cliffhanger! :D (I think .-.)

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