Nothing to Wear, Nothing to Say

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"I have nothing to wear!" I grumble as I angrily stomp over a mountain of old clothes I had previously thrown on the floor.

"Ari, you are literally on top of a Mount Everest of cloth right now." Clara says from her spot on my bed, texting Newbie.

She ditched me in Science to sit next to him, in a master plan attempt to get his number. Needless to say she was successful; Clara is quite the beauty queen. With her long chocolate brown curls that flow all the way down to her hip, her piercing blue eyes that make you forget what you were going to say, and her pink plump pout that could get a guy to say anything if he thought it would give him a chance to kiss it, Clara was impossible to say no to.

"Notice the word "cloth" and not "bomb ass clothes suitable for the biggest party of the year"?" I answer, exasperated at myself for not buying that cute black dress that looked so good at American Apparel last week.

But quickly, I remember how my eyes suddenly flew wide open when I glanced at the price tag, and my feelings of regret vanished immediately.

"What about this?" I said holding up a navy blue skater skirt dress against my body so she could picture it.

"Yeah, looks good." She muttered without even looking up from her phone's screen. She kept a constant grin plastered on her face while typing furiously onto her tiny blackberry, pressing send, finally putting it down, and turning to me.

"What?" She said as I stared at her with a facial expression that said: "really?"

"No one cares what you're going to wear Ari, it's a high school party, not prom." She retorted carelessly, grabbing her phone once again as it buzzed against my cream sheets,
"Besides, probably no one will even notice you." She finished, hurting my self esteem because I knew for sure since she couldn't lie that she meant what she said.

It was just like that I guess, if you wanted to be friends with Clara, you had to have thick skin. Most times, I appreciated her honesty, but then there were times like this where it really hurt my ego.

"Wow ok. Thanks. Maybe I shouldn't come at all then if I'm so useless." I try my best not to sound pathetically pitiful, but what she said is true.

"Hey wait, Ari. You know I didn't mean it like that." She reaches out before I leave the room.

"Why am I even going anyway? You know I don't want to go. I have a bad feeling about this I'm telling you. Twitchy witch senses going off and all." I joke a little at the end to lighten the mood.

She doesn't say anything, a strange guilty look spreads across her face before disappearing just as fast as it appeared.

"Okay, well. I'm going to get going to my house, I need to get ready too. I'll drive back here at around 10 to pick you up for the party." She says, a little fidgety, trying to keep her nerves under control, with that look in her eye I know too well.

She turns around, facing away from me (and whatever it is she is keeping from me) and attempts to walk away.

I reach out and grasp her shoulder sternly.


She stops walking much to her dismay and turns around to face me.

"You had a vision, didn't you?" I speak quietly.

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