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I grabbed the first red cup in my reach, and proceeded to swallow it down as quickly as I could manage.

Sure, it was pretty unsanitary and there was most likely a high probability of me getting an std from doing so but hey, in the state of desperation that I was in, I was not in a position to be picky.

The alcohol burned its way down my throat and even into my stomach, causing me to shudder a little, but the memory of the previous cringe worthy event made me shudder even harder, so I made sure to empty that red cup until the bottom was entirely visible.

Speaking of visible bottoms, the redhead I sat next to in math class, Ally, currently had her red "dress" dangerously close to revealing too much, stumbling and slurring her words in a manner I knew she would not like to reminisce tomorrow morning.

She pushed her way through the clammy bodies, looking around for someone and looking pretty furious if you ask me, considering the two very deep crescent lines in between her perfectly chiseled brows. My curiosity sort of got the best of me, as it always has and so I squeezed my way through the ocean of bodies too, trailing right behind her. Judging by the times we had math together, Ally was always sort of quiet and she seemed like a really poised, joyful girl. She was always smiling at the most insignificant things, always dressed really nice, her ginger hair flowing into perfect locks, amazing complexion (that I was totally not jealous of) and with that pearly white smile plastered onto her face. She was always so happy, it was almost annoying. Especially in algebra. At 7 am. When I look gross. And Tired. And I dread my entire existence. To put it simply, if you want a comparison, we both had bags; except hers were Chanel and mine were under my eyes. You get the picture; basically, she looked like she was perfect, or at least, to me she did. Clara didn't seem to think likely. She told me that, that quote about never judging a book by its cover basically summed the girl up and added that Ally wasn't "as perfect as she wanted to portray herself to be", whatever that vague sentence was supposed to mean; Clara's always hiding things from me.

I was starting to think that Clara was actually quite accurate in her cryptic description because the goody two shoes that I knew from math had seemed to have ditched the shoes all together and slipped on the skankiest stilettos I have ever seen in my entire existence, and I'm friends with Clara, so I've seen my fair share of skanky apparel.

She finally came to a halt in front of Patrick Reynold's clique, which seemed like an interesting choice to me. There were 3 male friends with him, although I wouldn't exactly use the word "friends" and rather followers, and Patrick had his arm snaked around a bleach blonde in a tube top and mesh bodycon skirt through which you could read "kiss this" written across the front of her panties. Classy. I could see why Patrick was completely smitten. I'm sure it had entirely to do with her amazing personality and not at all the fact she was a quick and easy booty call that Hailey would probably never find out about. This was her party for God's sake, did this guy have no dignity cheating on her here? His followers were sprawled across the rest of the brown leather couch that had seemed to suffer a lifetime worth of brutality in the past couple hours judging by the amount of spilled alcohol stains. I recognized two of them from my other classes, Adrien and Rick. I may or may not have taken quite a liking to Rick because I'd seen him come into class with various band t-shirts, all of which I was fond of. Adrien on the other side, I'd heard was quite the dbag, and I do have to note that I've seen him go from one girl to another way too fast for him to possibly even have time to learn their last names. The third one I recognized because well, let's be honest, every girl in our year did. Cody Armon, the guy who made every girl swoon, but who only one girl seemed to make him swoon: his girlfriend. Which obviously only made the girls swoon even harder. Yep, it was like a modern day Romeo and Juliet every time I entered the gates of school. Only there were about 300 Juliets. And Romeo was already taken. Yeah, actually, it was nothing like Romeo and Juliet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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