Not So Psychic After All

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Even though we were still sitting in the car in Hailey's driveway, we could already hear the music blaring in her 3 story modern fairytale mansion, and feel the bass's vibrations that made the ground shake.

This was going to end one of two ways.

Terribly, or horrendously.

Either way it was going to include a lot of alcohol, guys cheating on their girlfriends, girls bawling their eyes out because they found out their boyfriends cheated on them, and us being relieved that we were single after having to console the drunk girlfriends crying over the toilet's rim, awaiting to vomit up all the stuff that was so painful to down in the first place. Oh and Hailey losing her mind when she spots us.

I could already predict this night. Sometimes I start to believe I'm the psychic one.

"So, are we going to go in or are we just going to stay in this car for the rest of the night?" Clara asks rhetorically, adjusting her car's mirror to fix her already perfect fluffy brown curls.

"Preferably option two." I put my elbow down on my side of the open window to rest my head.

"Aren't you excited to meet that guy? I know I would be."

If Clara wasn't incapable of lying, I would definitely have believed she was making that up just to get me to come to this suicide "piss off Hailey and get Clara laid" mission.

But she didn't have that ability, and as my feet touched the hard concrete ground, the ball in the pit of my stomach building up, I almost wish she could.

Why was I so nervous? This was supposed to be great, right? Meeting a guy is basically every sixteen year olds fantasy and dearest hope.

But I wasn't like other teenage girls. Well first off, I was a witch. But even though I liked to pretend that was the only reason I wasn't like the others, I knew that I was just, special. Well, that's what my mom says, but we all know special is just a nicer way of saying fucked up.

It started to drizzle and Clara cursed the heavens for ruining the curls she had taken 1 hour and 3/4 to do (she insisted on the 3/4 when I complained about how long she was making me wait, but I can assure you with all the certainty in the world that it was a good 2 hours)

I didn't care if my hair got wet. That's the pro when you don't do your hair, you have nothing to lose. I was kind of like that for everything. I never really tried to invest myself in anything because I was too scared of how I would feel if it failed. I assume that's why I never really had a serious boyfriend.

"Jesus Christ Ari, relax! You look like you just put your first tampon on or something. What's the worse that could happen?" She reaches for the front door's knob and swings it open nonchalantly as if this real life Barbie Dream House was her own, while I internally debate running away before the inevitable is no longer evitable.

A swarm of people practically pulled us in, and by the time I waddled, pushed and squeezed my way to a less crowded area as effectively as I could, I had lost sight of Clara (which wasn't quite hard considering I didn't exactly have a sky scraping view all the way up here from my 5 feet and 4 inches).

Where the hell was I anyways? Hailey should have printed a map of her place instead of those useless purple flyers nobody even granted any importance: there was no way everyone here was actually given one of those. I'm pretty sure even Hailey would have gone bankrupt if she had to pay for all of that ink.

I had no idea who anyone here was and I felt extremely uncomfortable all alone surrounded by these alcohol-breathed horny teenage boys, slurring their words worse than Lil Wayne already.

I needed to find Clara, but I was definitely not throwing myself into that hoard of animals again. I decided on a wiser choice and pulled my crappy phone (that I don't mean to insult because I am still grateful that it half works in situations like these even though it is utter shit) out and flicked through my contacts until I find "Mrs Steal Yo Man", but my phone slipped out of my hands when some drunk asshole stumbles into my back with quite some force. I quickly pick it up from the ground just to realize my phone had finally cracked (I was starting to think it was immortal after all the times it landed on the floor when I attempted to throw it on my bed amongst various other places).

A sudden fury came over me as I snapped my head around to discover my phone murderer's identity. Sure it was a piece of shit, but it was a piece of shit that I needed!

"What the hell is wrong with-" I stopped mid sentence as I realized that he didn't just stumble into me, he was shoved. A circle was starting to form around him and I quietly picked up my broken phone, pushing myself back into the circle as I tried my best to disappear in there, the state of my phone blurred out of my mind by the anticipation of what was going to happen to this poor guy. It didn't look like it was going to end very well. Leaning over him was a toweringly tall guy, seemingly about 18, with dark black hair and a very tense jaw line. He was so angry, I could feel his ragged breath all the way here, as he huffed out loudly. His fists clenched at his sides, and his chest going up and down and up and down at a very rapid pace gave me this terrible feeling. He seemed so strong, and I feared for what was going to happen to the guy below him. Everyone just stood, shocked, anxiously apprehensive and yet no one said anything at all. They almost seemed scared.

He raised his clenched fist inhaling sharply, about to deliver his first punch before I blurted out:

"Wait! Stop!"

Oh god. Everyone directed their eyes towards me faster than if you had screamed "we got more vodka!". Except they just stood there, staring for what seemed like an eternity at this now extremely awkward girl who didn't know how to mind her own business.

He looked at me too, and for the first time, our eyes connected. My heart beat sped up. Maybe it was because what he was about to do scared me to be quite honest, or maybe it was because he looked so beautiful standing there, with his busted lip and his tousled hair. I quickly recollected myself in order not to stare too long, because if I hadn't stopped myself, I could have stared at this messed up boy forever.

"Um. I'm sorry. To interrupt and... I just dont think violence is going to help..." I try to justify myself as all the eyes are still set on me, as if awaiting the declaration speech. The silence felt so heavy in the air at this point, it was crushing. The dark haired boy was still staring at me when I looked back, and he held my gaze as he walked past me, storming off to God knows where.

Eventually, everyone went back to their high school gossip and underage crimes.

Well, I was going to need a lot of alcohol to forget about that.

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