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( this chapter is where the case is going to be  in and it austin and camila case justice will be served and people will get what thet deserves in this chapter)

"After some days is court love" Lauren said and camila eyes winded she got scared and Lauren noticed it and got up and sat hugging her wife who still terrified to see her rapist in the court room

"I don't want to see him please I don't want to go please please don't let me go Iam scared to see him" camila said in a shaky voice can't help the tears falling out of her eyes that sight broke Lauren heart the look on her wifes face the shaky voice he really did a number on her

"Love camz i would never let him get to you or touch you i would be with you all the way he won't dare look at you i will make him wish that he wasn't born ok princess" Lauren said to camila who still shaking but managed to nod her head and fall asleep

"I will get revenge for you princess he would regret looking at you or make up his mind to try and talk to you i would personally make his life a living hell for what he did" Lauren said angry her wife "broken" "empty"

«at manis house»

"Hey laur how are you" mani ask sitting on Dinah's lap

"Iam ok could be better" Lauren answered mani who frowned and then remembered

"How is mila doing is she still scared about what happened does she still feel like it's her fault that this happened to her" mani asked and Lauren looked at her remembering camila face when she told her the news

"Remember when they said that camila case would be in the next few days and she has to be there" Lauren said and both Dinah and Normani nodded and then it hits them "let me guess she got scared and cried and you stayed with her" Dinah said and Lauren nodded her
head at Dinah

"Ok go to sleep laur it's 12 pm and you have alot of time for this talk and iam your lawyer so don't worry about it justice will get Austin for what he did to our mila" mani said

"I hope chancho gets better cuz i miss her smile and her goofy jokes and horrible once she doesn't even smile not even a fake one" dinah said

*at Lauren house*

Lauren was sitting doing her work and eating food and she had music but not anyone music her wifes music and then her phone rang and she looked at the caller and it was shawn

"Hey shawn how are you it's been too long dude why didn't you call me sooner" Lauren said happily but then she met with his husband voice

"It's actually his husband i wanted to call from his phone to see if he was with you but you don't know where he is" shawn husband says

"Oh where did he go the court will be open in like a couple of days where was the  last time you saw him" Lauren says and his husband says at dinahs house but she was just with dinah

"But i was just at dinahs and he wasn't there weird" Lauren says

"Don't you think he idk" he was about to continue but Lauren cut him off

"Shawn would never cheat on anyone who he loves so no I don't think he is cheating iam go look for him stay safe" Lauren said and his husband said "ok"she shut of the phone and left the house

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