Part 1

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For as long as Weregarurumon could remember, he had trained under Leomon as his pupil in his dojo. This was when Weregarurumon wasn't with his Digidestined friend, Matt and the other Digidestined. It had been a long time since, Weregarurumon and the rest of the Digidestined had rid the Digital World of Malomyotismon, and everyone could finally rest peacefully. Leomon was only slightly older than Weregarurumon. The lion was very proud of him, and taught him to never give up. With pure determination, Weregarurumon always worked hard and gave one hundred percent effort, training with every bit of his intent to better himself and make his master proud. A great happiness flowed through him at Leomon deciding to take him in and become his master. From then on, day and night, the wolf trained hard and became close friends with his master. He greatly respected his master and secretly loved him, but he didn't have the courage to tell him. He couldn't see himself with a female, only a male, and it always flowed in his mind that his master would be the perfect mate. Yet, he was still afraid to confess his feelings to him. What would Leomon say? Having no idea how his master would react, Weregarurumon had decided to keep to himself about his feelings for his master and friend. The dojo was also Leomon's home, and Weregarurumon had his own bedroom. Tai Chi was just one of the Martial Arts styles, among other secret Martial Arts styles, the wolf learned from his master. Right now, Leomon was holding a punching bag, while Weregarurumon was punching it, training.

"That is not enough, Weregarurumon."

Weregarurumon then punched the bag harder, making Leomon struggle a bit, but it still wasn't enough.


As the wolf heard this command again, he growled, and punched the bag much harder, almost knocking his master off balance. Leomon then let go of the bag, in satisfaction. The wolf then grinned at him.

"Very good, Weregarurumon."

"Thank you, Master."

"Now, are you ready for some sparring?" The lion asked, suggesting

something else.

This was right up the wolf's alley. He then smiled.

"Yes, let's do it."

"Alright then."

The two Digimon each took a deep breath, before entering their fighting


"Ready?" Leomon asked.


Running towards his pupil, the lion came at him with a kick and Were dodged it, and threw a punch back at his master. The feline Digimon quickly turned around and blocked the wolf's punch. Weregarurumon was surprised Leomon blocked his punch. As a grin fell over his face, the lion Digimon grabbed Were's arm and threw him over his shoulder. With his sheer quickness, Weregarurumon landed on his feet. His master still had his arm and the wolf spun quickly around, slipping from the lion's grip.

"Oh, that's good."

With a cocky smirk on his face, Weregarurumon nodded and threw a punch at his master and Leomon blocked it, only to have his pupil throw another punch, which the lion quickly ducked. Leomon then threw a punch at Weregarurumon, who blocked it. Using his immense strength, Leomon did a strong roundhouse kick and Weregarurumon blocked it with both hands and was knocked off balance, falling to the ground, overwhelmed from his master's strength. Slightly bending over to the fallen wolf, Leomon smiled and extended a hand out to him. Smiling back, Weregarurumon gladly took his master's hand and Leomon pulled him up.

"That was good, Weregarurumon."

"Thank you, Master."

With a slight chuckle, Leomon put his hand on Weregarurumon's head, petting him with praise. Closing his eyes, the wolf embraced the lion's soft praising. Weregarurumon loved when Leomon petted him, his soft, warm hands caressing his fur. Leomon did this ever so often. This was just another reason Weregarurumon loved him. The lion then took his hand off of Weregarurumon's head and Weregarurumon opened his eyes.

Leomon x WeregarurumonWhere stories live. Discover now