🌼Chapter 4🌼

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I kept passing class by class
But I still couldn't find History class, I could have just asked sook for the directions but I forgot.
Stupid me!
Now am stucked in this big hall. I passed by some more classes until my eyes finally landed on the sign board Which wrote HISTORY CLASS on the door that was opposite from where I was standing.
Why didn't I notice it before, here goes nothing.
I opened the door knob which made a little sound, and I immediately cursed at the stupid door for making such a stupid noise now all the students gaze where focused on me.

Don't they know that it is not good to stare.

I looked around, studying the way they all dressed, it was very obvious that they were all wearing expensive clothes, far more better than my plain clothes. I then focused my attention on the teacher, I smiled sweetly at her as she smiled back at me and spoke.
"Hello miss, you are quite late for your first day here, I would love it if you will learn to come early next time." She replied sweetly which made me quite shocked by her reaction, normally nobody has ever talked to me without shouting expect from Sook.
" Am sorry ma it won't ever happen again." She seems nice way nicer than my parents.
" Good, now students we will be having a new student who would be joining us for class." She then turned to me after addressing my presence.
" Please can you introduce yourself miss, a little introduction will be okay..."
" Em... My name is Lee soo-jin Areum, but you can just call me Areum and I am at the age of 18.... I come from Japan but recently moved here, I hope we can all be friends." I smiled. Well I think that was to much for a introduction. After I finished the whole class was filled with Gossips and their gaze felt like they were discriminating me for the way I dressed. I quickly lowered my gaze to the floor hoping they could all stop their gossiping which I can't stop my ears from hearing.
" Geez.. judging by the way she dressed am 100% sure that she comes from a middle-class family." I shift my leg from foot to foot praying they Could stop their gossip.

Please stop! And please stop judging the way I dress, I really don't want to cry over here, and this is the best clothe I have at home, oh dad why did you have to put me in this school, how did he even get the money to pay for our fees?

" But she looks cute."
" Not my type."
" How can you say a nerd like her can be pretty."
" How can you say she is a nerd you don't even know her yet, she seems cool."
" You wish."
" Stop the noise please..." The nice teacher said, thank you so much, I was already getting a headache from all their insults.
"Areum you can seat beside..." She said looking for a place for me to seat.
" There... You can seat beside Stefan Knight at the back seat since there are not any more seat available." I walked towards where I was supposed to seat as I heard some students gasp and then glared at me. I sat down why focusing on the the teacher as she introduced herself.
"For those who are new here My name is Mrs. Angel Augustine and our first topic for today is the History of the statue of Liberty-" she continued to explain the origin but I did not seem to focus because I felt someone's penetrating gaze on the side of my face which made me move a little on my seat. I look at his desk but there were no book or note for him to jote which made me think do all bad boys ever focus on class, maybe they don't need a jotter or note because they are smart. His gaze never left me and Mrs. Angel didn't seem to notice him staring at me throughout the class.


The bell rang and I quickly gathered my stuff wishing to get out from his intense gaze. I rush outside while looking at my class schedule.
Dance class! Okay I think I know where that place is I passed it when looking for history class.

I opened the door and only few people were inside, some where Gisting why others where preparing for class. I went to seat at the corner were there was a bench and nobody was sitting there. Luckily there did not seem to notice me. I sat peacefully thanking God that they did not notice me or even land some insults on me.

After a while, people started coming out from the door which made me nervous, but they did not come to insult me but only sent a few glares my way. Maybe because I sat beside Stefan knight, but what was the big deal about that there was not any other seat available so they should not blame me.

I stood up when I notice the teacher walk in.
" Alright students it is time for Dance class and for today I would be pairing you guys up, okay..." She said while flipping through some papers.
" So I will start with sebastian..... Your partner would be...... Emily." I looked at the person she named sebastian, he gave the girl I assume is Emily a high five as he grinned.
" So I will continue, Rachel and Adrien, Mike and Rebecca, Liam and Jessica, Daniel and Abigail, James and Nadine, Katherine and Sasha And--" she paused why scanning through the paper in her hands.
Please pair me up with a good partner, please please please-
" Stefan Knight and Areum."
Noooooooooo!!! Why him?
I bit my lower lip as They glared daggers my way.
" How can that nerd be pairing up with Stefan."
" Right she does not even belong here." They murmured.
I walked towards where Stefan knight was standing. I shakily stretched my hand out for a handshake as I lowered my gaze to my shoes.
" H-h-hi my name is L-lee Soo-jin A-areum I w-will be y-your p-partner." I whispered, biting my lip hoping he understood what I just said.

Why is he not saying anything, am definitely sure he is hating the fact that I am his dance partner.
I was cut off from my thoughts by his heavenly laughter that sounded so pleasant to my ears. But I ignored that fact and focused on telling him what was on my mind.
How dare he laugh at me for stuttering, This jerk I will show him what I got.
I lifted my head up to tell him what was on my mind.
" You-" I paused from saying any thing further as my eyes widen and I gasped.

He was very very handsome and He had the kind of face that could stop you at your track. I guess he must be used to that the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they look his way, followed by a nonchalant gaze.
He held the true definition of a bad boy look. His lips was full and reddish which were highly Kissable which was tempting me more just to feel the taste of those lips, He had a prominent sharp jaw skillfully curved and the strength of his neck showed by the interwining muscles that defined his whole body, he was handsome despite of how I wanted to deny it. But handsome was an understatement for how godly he looked. He had a tousled midnight black hair which was thick and Lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue and had thick eyebrows that slopped downwards in amazement and his scent was the best scent I have ever smelt, his smell was so intoxicating and he smelt of perfume, mint and whatever he used to make him smell so heavenly. Strong arms, bold thighs, a firm broad chest and I bet inside that all black clothe he was wearing was a torned body with packs and his tallness was very intimidating making him look more handsome. But his tallness made me feel quite small, he stood maybe 6'6 feet while I stood 5'4ft his looks and standards was definitely no match for a poor girl like me.
But what made me think more was that this handsome greek god was my partner. Why me! He must definitely think that I am looser.

Byeee... See you in the next chapter......😍😍😍😍💖💖

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