Chapter 4

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It was the following lunchtime, and Pansy had insisted on taking us to the teashop in Lesser Farthing, named rather unimaginatively Lesser Farthing Tea Shop. As our light lunch arrived, the little bell on the door rang, and I was suprised to see Detective Inspector Smart walking in. He was alone, and he took a seat on a single table in the corner. I had my back to him, but Isabel and Pansy were scrutinizing him as he sat, I could tell.

"What's he doing?" I asked, trying to keep my features as casual as possible.

"He's hunched over this file thing" Isabel told me. "He looks like he's reading one page over and over again."

"What's his face like?" I then asked. Isabel hesitated for a second before answering.

"It's all screwed up" she said.

"What, more than normal?" I couldn't help but comment. Isabel chuckled, but Pansy let out one of her huge guffaws. The other two of us cringed.

"He's looking our way now" Isabel said out of the side of her mouth, concentrating hard on her sandwiches. I took a casual sip of my tea, and we both cringed again as Pansy seemed to catch the Detective Inspector's eye, giggling chirlishly and giving a little wave. Taking advantage of the awkward situation, I used Pansy as an excuse to turn around and take a look for myself. Isabel had been very accurate in her descriptions, I saw, and I gave Smart a rather chilly half-smile, which he returned with a hurried nod before looking away, back to his file.

"Pan!" I complained quietly after turning back round. "What were you thinking?"

"He actually wouldn't be that bad looking, if he took off that hat and stood up straight" Pansy said dreamily, staring over my shoulder. "You know, I wouldn't mind my husband being a Detective Inspector" she carried on, still with that faraway look in her eyes.

Isabel kicked her hard under the table.

"For goodness sake, Pansy Price, what is wrong with you?" she snapped. "You're planning a wedding with someone you've never spoken to in your life!"

Pansy looked hurt.

"It doesn't hurt to daydream, Isabel" she sniffed. "Besides, I'd never be seen with him. Not with that hat and that coat. Or that stoop. Awful."

Isabel rolled her eyes, biting into her sandwich. I took another sip of my tea.

"What's he doing now?" I asked my sister.

"He's still reading that same page" Isabel replied. "I haven't seen him turn it yet."

"What do you think it could be?" I muttered, as I picked the bits of chicken out of my salad.

"Ask him" Pansy said simply. "He'll answer. I think he's keen on you."

"What?" me and my sister both said together. Pansy looked confused.

"Can't you see, Izzy?" she said to Isabel. "Watch his eyes every time he stops reading."

"I'll be back in a second" I said quickly, standing up and heading outside. I knew Pansy's reputation for matchmaking, and this one was not going to be one of her successes. I missed Newham awfully, and if Pansy thought I was going to abandon him for a random Detective Inspector with a strange hat and a stoop, she had another thing coming. Having calmed myself, I turned to go back inside, just as Smart himself decided to come outside. He allowed me to pass, before catching my shoulder as I did so. I stopped.

"I belive I owe you an apology" he said reluctantly. I raised my eyebrows.

"Look at this" he said, holding the file out for me to see. I scanned down the page, and stopped at the third paragraph.

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