The rise of a new hero (2)

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[???] <

After coughing a bit more, she stood up and went to the door where the eye was waiting. The other was following right behind

"We need to be more careful this time... I don't trust that thing", he hissed

"It won't hurt us and it will lead us to the origin of this, it's a win-win situation!"

He just rolled his eyes. "If you say so..."

Without a word, the girl opened the door slowly, in which the eye crossed instantly. Apparently, that place had many doors, so they didn't need to worry about losing the eye

The problem was

"... did you make that sound?", she turned around and asked her friend. He shock his head, also taking a look at the corridors

They stopped walking


The boy took his sword, ready to attack if necessary. "What is that- I've never heard such a thing before"




A soft light blue light could be seen from the floor. It wasn't till they heard the sound again till they realized what it was

"A spawner?", she asked confused. "How is there a spawner on the floor???"

"That isn't the problem... what we need to figure out is what kind of creatures that spawner produces"

Right after he spoke, a small creature appeared. Both people stared at the thing as its light vanished soon and started moving

It was... small, probably passive. Alex bent down to touch it with the stick she was carrying

"I think I've heard about this thing", she spoke. "They are called Silverfish, though I only knew they could spawn in Mansions and Igloos, not in... a place like this"

The Silverfish hissed at them and run away

They just ignored it and continued their mission

After walking through the stone corridors, they found the eye next to a nearby door. While getting there, they found what seemed a chest

"Should we open it?", he asked. "It may be a tr-"

The girl was already inspecting the content of the chest. Some armor, tools, and bread

"Did we bring any food?". The boy shocked his head as an answer. She looked back at the chest and took the three bread in there. "It doesn't seem rotten, let's take it then"

"I- Wh- Are you seriously gonna eat the bread you found in a random chest in a sunk castle or whatever, that we found thanks to an eye???????????"

She smierked and took a bite


They continued to open doors to let the eye move around. It was pretty silent, being the only sounds their own footsteps and the slight hisses from Silverfish

The paths seemed to repeat: long stone brick corridors, a door, a long corridor maybe with a chest, another door. There wasn't anything there, except for what seemed like an abandoned library, in which they didn't even bother to enter

Finally, the eye seemed to stop

When they went to grab it from the floor, they found themselves in a different room

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