The rise of a new hero (Final)

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even in this situation, Steve let out a small laugh

"Pfffff the end of what exactly? our lives???"

"Shut up"

The roar was heard by the third time, this time closer

Both of them got up and looked around again. They seemed to be inside a small cave made out of a stone they have never seen before

When Alex went to touch it, she realized it was really similar to cobblestone in terms of texture, but it was easily breakable with her hands

Turning his head to her friend, she started talking. "Maybe we can make our way out without many problems... this stone is like compacted sand or something; we could break it with our hands"

Steve didn't seem much happy with the idea. "If it is so easy to break, wouldn't that mean once we start digging, the whole roof could fall and bury us alive?", he snorted. "I vote we make a plan f-"

They were interrupted by a sudden movement above them. Four HUGE claws made their way through the stone of the roof, letting in small purple lights from the outside

The creature that was trying to get to the pair roared loudly, focusing again on trying to dig down

Steve, who was the first one to react, clung to a wall and covered Alex's mouth, preventing her to scream in fear. Moving a finger to his own mouth, he signaled to be in silence

Soon, the claws got rid of the whole roof, and they were able to see what they were going to face

A huge dragon, probably the size of at least 40 Ravangers, stood there. It's dark black skin and purple eyes reminded them of the Nightmares, who were also in that place

The dragon carved a bit more with its claws and bent down, trying to see if its prey was still there.

The eye of the dragon looked around


With a roar, it finally flew away

Meanwhile, the two friends let out a heavy breath, collapsing on the floor. They have never been so scared in their lives

"That- That was close...", Alex commented as she took off the stone from her head that she used to cover herself

"Well, at least we don't need to worry about finding a way to get out anymore-"

The two of them carefully made their wait out, using the piles of stone the dragon left

What they saw left them both paralyzed

It was like the Nether, but it had a creepier vibe. The whole place was made out of that yellowish stone, with casual "dead" trees of not more than 3 meters tall. It was desertic, apart from the Nightmares around

Above all that, there were 12 floating islands made of obsidian with a small energy container inside them, as the pair would describe it. If they had to guess, they would have said those were mob spawners, but they weren't sure

The End, as they ended up calling it, was for sure what caused the problems in their world. Everything there seemed dead, and the number of Nightmares made it clear that was the place they came from

Alex gulped, moving forward.

"W-Wait, where are you even planning to go?", Steve questioned her, taking her from her wrist to stop her. "You saw how that gigantic... dragon thing almost ate us alive- now that we are outside, don't you think it could easily see you and just-", he stopped. He didn't even want to think about what would happen

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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