A2-C3: Eye of the Abyss

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Back at home, Isabelle finished cleaning up her kid, and then finally herself. With a brief look of disappointment, she looked at her back, still burned by the fires of hell, marked by the Slayer. Upon quiet reflection, she could hear the noise once again, all the screaming and yelling – she sought to listen to anything else; much like a tinnitus is masked.

During the news, there was rampant cheering for the deaths that have happened, formed by no small cult. "It's happening again", said Isabelle, horrified she was with all of the familiar sight of Satanic images of the occult, the banners with pentagrams seemingly – or maybe even covered in blood.

Having closed the television, she noticed Ace upon the dim reflection of the blackened screen. Quickly she turned, as if ready to jump into action – both of them were terrified. But Isabelle stopped herself, and invited Ace, back at her old self it seemed that Ace was finally comfortable talking to her.

"Are you okay mommy?"

"I'm good, why do you ask?"

"You seem scared."

"No, I'm not – I'm just as brave as you."

"Mommy, can I play video-games?" asked the boy, to which Isabelle promptly asked.

"Are you done with your homework?" asked Isabelle, but Ace could only give a sheepish smile for he hadn't done his homework yet expect a reward. But nonetheless with Isabelle being a softie, she agreed and played with him.

Sat before the console, they started playing for the rest of the day. At that moment, the voices seemed to go away – it is when she was having fun, back to her roots, as if she was a kid again.

After a bit of games, Ace was fast asleep which Isabelle had time for herself. Back at her own room, shared with her wife, she went to her table and sought the little knickknacks, the little toys that decorated it, and the stationeries she cherished. As a girl, she is enamored by pretty things; she screeched in excitement, she screamed as she watched drama shows.

But as she tried to get back on it, here is something missing – that Innocence, for how could she continue enjoying herself knowing that others suffer? How could she be the same person as she was before after all the horrors she endured?

As a Slayer, she knew this better than anyone, for in her waking moments she finds herself back in that graveyard, reliving the moments over and over again – and it is to the point that she liked it. That moment on the train, where she bashed the heads of the demons – it was exhilarating, it was fun, and at the thought of it she found herself smiling. Maybe the Slayer himself is a demon; maybe she is turning a demon herself?

The voices were back, disturbing her as she was lured back in the darkness of her thoughts. Afraid of it, she sought the safety of whom she could confide to – Elizabeth.

"Hey Baby. Listen, I'm going to be late a while, I'm just talking to Sam." Said Elizabeth, making time for Isabelle, at least a little bit to explain herself – but wanting to just get it out to her, Isabelle confessed.

"It was me." She said, biting her finger.

The one that minced the Turned on that train, it was her as she confessed. But unfortunately, Elizabeth couldn't simply just attend to her.

Just "going to talk to Samuel Hayden", she said, towards the UAC facility far at the edge of the city. Understandable it was, for Elizabeth wanted to get her far from the UAC as reasonably as they could. But the facilities are everywhere, for the UAC is integrated with the whole world, they are – were the go-to power company. There isn't a lot of place to go to escape their clutches, not even Mars.

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