A2-C4: Deal of the Devil

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Put in between a rock and a hard place, the vehicles and other utilities were still at a standstill. Isabelle, though she could trek faster back at their home, Elizabeth is still winded and unable to bear the stress of jumping buildings to buildings.

Rested upon a balcony on a building just a few floors above, the two took a moment to rest, with Elizabeth panting trying to catch her breath. She leaned on the railing and took a moment to ponder.

"You think you could just link the Crucible on the car?" asked Elizabeth, though Isabelle answered straight.

"If I wanted to blow it." She answered, seemingly like reprimanding Elizabeth with the idea. Quickly she clarified.

"Even If I could get it to work, the cars are stranded – and there's nothing in this planet that could properly dampen the surge of energy." Said Isabelle as she pointed upon the masses on the streets, the cars and other vehicles reduced to blockade and paperweight.

Their entire city is moments from imploding, Isabelle and Elizabeth had front-row seats to see it happen.

Their Medical System is overworked; injured people were coming in droves with their recent brush of power-failure, and all they could afford to do is basic first-aid. People in life-support had their days numbered, from those too old but also too rich to die, to the common folk equipped with cybernetics doomed to just fall on the floor as their electronics fail them. Each of them were dropping like leaves, though there are kind people who attempted to help, it only prolonged the inevitable as their cybernetic bodies failed them.

Stores were looted and robbed; soon there were people that were getting killed. Mugged for what they need and a few were killed by those protecting what little they have. All of it descended into chaos with riots, looting, and other crimes – all in the darkness of the night.

Try as the police might, they were impotent against the directionless mob. Too preoccupied as their technology crumbles, too greedy to watch out for one another, too disturbed to move on from dying loved ones – it was the Army that decided to step in.

Equipped with wholly Argent-based weapons, they had high-powered stun-guns and plasma-weapons, able to control groups of crowds. But as the tanks rolled in, the mechs waltzed in, the buildings occupied as cover that they realized something – they weren't there for the masses, but for the VIP.

The Rich, the wealthy elites, holed up in their castles and high-towers, hoarding wealth and technology, what little power that remains -- the Army was there to protect them. With the common folk imploding outside, the snobs were at least cozy at the end of civilization as they knew it, for once the fires died down they will emerge from the embers like the Phoenix ready to begin life anew.

Every men and women for themselves as it seemed, the Elites merely had more power, but they were simply doing as the common folk does. The truly selfless ones were the Cultist – despite preaching Doom to the people, despite the virus underneath the noses of the government, of the UAC, they were simply trying their best to keep Humanity afloat, even despite all of the demonic, the horrible suffering, and despite Samuel's betrayal, they still followed his example.

Enticing they were, for unlike the directionless mob or the self-important elites, they offered stability. With the Soul-Cube gone, they resorted into simply using whole-humans as batteries. Taken the remaining Husks and Sacrifices, they put together an army of Zombie-Soldiers in mere hours.

Cannons spliced where the arms would have been, rocket-propelled skeletal demons with missile-launchers as the revival of the Revenants, obese walking piles of meats with massive cannon arms known as the Mancubus. Following them is the mech Arachnomage; a massive scorpion-like monster with a body of a human much like the human-part of a centaur. Upon their tails were omni-directional plasma-cannons.

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