chapter 14

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Monica P.O.V

I was teleported to a bar looking place, then i was tied down by a blonde girl. I looked up to see a group of villains i supposed, they opened up and then i saw.

"LYLA?!" i yelled

"Yours truly." she answered

"But what are you doing here with these villains?" i asked looking around to the faces

"Am here for revenge." she said

"Revenge for what!?" i said

"Well you knowwww, both of us took the test to U.A. high and only you got in and i was obviously upset and i decided to plot against you, so one day i was walking down the street and saw dabi, dabi is the one with black hair by the way. Anyways he saw that my quirk was mind control, and i know what your thinking 'but your quirk can only last forty seconds or less' well no i can control the person as long as i have part of their skin with me! And so we decided to pick you, your quirk is quite particular and your incredibly strong. So we decided to choose you and use you to break into U.A. high!" she finished

I felt the tears swell up in my eyes and i could feel myself shaking.

"Do it." said lyla

The girl with buns and blonde hair came up to me and pulled my arm and cut part of my skin off. I tried moving my arm from her but she was quick in grabbing part of my skin, my arm was bleeding and it stinged. I looked up and saw the blonde girl with buns smiling and jumping towards lyla to giver her the skin part. She grabbed the part of skiing and opened her mouth and placed it on her tongue, i felt a burning sensation in my body then everything went black.

Bakugo P.O.V

I woke up in a cold sweat, and looked around my room. Then i remembered monica. I quietly got up from bed and started to head out the door. It was around three in the morning, i had this weird sensation in my stomach that something was up. I quickly went up to her story and went to her door. I knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. I knocked again but louder. Nothing. I looked at the door handle and grabbed it and slowly turned it, i opened the door to find her room, empty. This was not like her, i started to sweat and i quickly went over to aizawa's room and pounded on the door. He opened the door and looked down on me.

"Monica is not in her room, i think she went missing." i said

"We will search for her in the morning now go to bed." he snapped

He slammed the door in my face, and i just stood there. I walked back to my room and i sat in bed. I grabbed my phone and texted monica.

Angry pomeranian: monica where the hell are you

I turned off my phone and laid down, I stared up at the ceiling. How could i sleep when i know monica is not in her bed... the rest of night i was just rolling around in bed just thinking about monica. How could i sleep when the girl i love may be out in danger.

The next morning i got up from bed, i didnt sleep. How could i sleep? I got up and went downstairs everyone looked at me.

"Bro you good?" asked spiky hair

I grunted and went and sat down and put my head on my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw it was spiky hair.

"Dude i know something is wrong." he said

I sighed.

"Monica is missing." i said

"WHAT?!" i heard the class yell

"What do you mean monica is missing?!" said round face

"How did this happen?!" said racoon eyes

"We went out and i left her for a second and when i came back she was not there anymore... so i thought she was back to the dorms... but i woke up in th middle of the night and went to her dorm to find her bed empty.." i explained

The whole group looked at me and i let out a sigh. A little while after later aizawa came and explained what we were going to do, we were going to leave the searching to the police while we stay and hope.

Am in the middle of english. Monica couldn't leave my head. Wherever she is i hope she is okay.

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