(What's going on)
Brittanie... 14 years of age living in Oklahoma with her only friend.. Her stepfather he understood the scars, the pain, and all the hurt.. She just lost her mom.. He lost his wife..Chris is quite childish I look up to him though, no matter what the conditions he always proves he loves me in the end. He enjoys a lot of what I enjoy, video games, music, and even though he's a tad bit rusty he can sure as hell draw, and that's my passion.
(Back to storyline)
Christopher, an amazing best friend to me. Of course I call him father, he did adopt me after all. Since mom passed I began living with him, but at my mothers funeral my grandparents served us with emergency temporary guardianship papers. I was probably more pissed than I've ever been. I didn't wanna leave my best friend.. My father figure.. I love him so much, more than he is capable of understanding. We played video games, we have seen each other's self-harm scars, we watched movies, everything. I look up to this man. He's been there for several years! And I know he's not going anywhere. Although we act stupid a lot were best friends no matter what gets in our way. I live with my grandparents and he lives with his girlfriend, they treat me more like family than my grandparents..
My Story.
Короткий рассказThis is basically my life and I'm writing it because I'm tired of telling people about me.. So here goes