Chapter 4

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The following evening,everyone left the agency. Except for Touma,who decided to stay a bit longer."Why are you still here?"Akinori asked.
Touma shrugs,"I have nothing much to do. parents are gone and I'm always alone at home."
"You know......since you're here. Do you think anyone else will reveal a crazy secret of theirs? Since it's happening with Natsume's family."Akinori asked.
Touma replies,"I'm not sure. Anything can happen."
"Like.....Ayame! We need to know who her boyfriend is!"Akinori exclaims.
Touma groans in annoyance,"Why do you need to know? I thought you were over her."
"I am! Heck,if you had a girlfriend and didn't tell us who she was,I would act the same as I am now!"Akinori stated.
Touma sighs,"I guess you need to know the truth."
"You do have a girlfriend?!"Akinori questions him,wanting to know.
Touma nods in response,"Yes......but it's not what you think."
"Come on,tell me. It can't be that bad."Akinori teased.
Touma took a deep breath,"It's......Ayame."
"What?!"Akinori was shocked to hear this and then shook him,"How did this happen?! Most importantly......when?!"
Touma explains,"Remember when we first met Ayame? She......seemed to take an interest in me.At first,I ignored it......but....,.as soon as we had the chance to talk.....well......"
"You guys started dating?!"Akinori interrupted.
Touma continues,"Yes.....but then Shutendoji.....well.....disguised in his fake human form......saw me as a threat. Probably at the time he thought Ayame was Shuuka.That's when Ayame and I stopped hanging out for awhile,until we discovered Natsume was Shuuka all along. We started dating again and.......that's what we're doing now."
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Akinori sweated.
Touma replied,"I knew you liked Ayame and didn't want to hurt your feelings.......and I told you now to make sure you didn't still have feelings for her."
"I guess it's a good thing you waited......or else I would've been mad. Now that you told me this.......I'm not jealous. It's weird that I feel nothing for Ayame........but.....if it was Natsume,you would've been sorry." Akinori says.
Touma sweats,"Natsume is more of a sister to me......."
"Good......and......thanks for telling me. I feel better about me and Natsume......since we're a thing.I didn't want anyone to take that away from us....."Akinori smiled a little.
Touma pats him on the shoulder,"No problem. I do feel relieved......"
"So......when are you telling everyone about you and Ayame?"Akinori asked.
Touma hesitates,"I'm.......not sure.......just don't say anything until we're ready."
"Whatever you say....."Akinori was unamused by his response.

The next day,Natsume and her siblings decided to find out what secrets their parents were hiding.Keita noticed them and asked,"Where are you going?"
"We're gonna find out your and mom's secrets!"Shinko blurts out.
Natsume groans,"Shinko......."
"Please don' one's going to tell you."Keita sighs in disbelief.
Hijo shrugs,"It doesn't hurt to try."
"Sorry dad......"Keisuke was nervous.
The kids left the house,as Keita hoped that they didn't find anything about his and Inaho's past.Natsume lead the others to the Yokai World. She went to Jibanyan and Usapyon's home.The kids were anxious,wanting to know answers. They knock on the front door. It opened to reveal Jibanyan,who started to get nervous.
"Oh......I wasn't expecting you guys until this weekend." Jibanyan sweated.
Shinko spoke,"Um.....we have a question."
"Can we come inside?"Hijo asks.
Jibanyan panics,"Nyo! Uh......the kids are nyapping."
"But we wanted to ask you and Uncle-I mean Usapyon."Natsume says.
Jibanyan sighs,"Fine.....let me get him."
She left for a minute and came back with Usapyon by her side.
"What is it?"Usapyon questioned.
Keisuke sweated," you know what happened after mom and dad got the Yokai Watch Ghoul?"
They gulp,as Usapyon responds,"A lot of things.....,"
"Like what?"Shinko asked.
Hijo begged,"Please tell us."
"Sorry sweeties,but we can't." Jibanyan felt bad.
Natsume nags,"You're pulling the same crap as mom and dad!"
"We're sorry,but no means no."Usapyon groaned.
Natsume shouts,"We're not little kids anymore! We can handle the truth!"
"Just tell us!"Shinko complains.
Natsume looks at Hijo and Keisuke,"Grab them."
They do so and grab Jibanyan and Usapyon,who were surprised by this.
"Now tell us!"Natsume says.
Jibanyan and Usapyon turn into their Shadowside forms and broke lose of their nephews grips. Usapyon groans,"Stop asking these questions or else."
"Go. We're not telling you a single thing." Jibanyan adds.
The kids groan in disbelief and take their leave,being disappointed.Usapyon and Jibanyan watch as they wonder what to do next.
"Maybe we should leave the case if they come back." Jibanyan suggests.
Usapyon replies,"What about Usamew?"
"Mom and dad are spending time with her.Don't worry." Jibanyan reassured him.
Usapyon sweats,"You realize those kids are probably heading that way?"
"Dang it! I hope they hide her from them......."Jibanyan worries.
Usapyon says,"I'll get the kids and we'll go to agency."
They agreed and got their kids to go to the agency in the human world.

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