Everything I Wanted

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I had everything I could ever want. Fame, money, millions of followers on every social media platform I had.

And yet as I stood, staring at my reflection in the mirror, I felt as if I had nothing. Everything I had worked so hard to get was all for nothing, when I myself wasn't good enough. My body didn't look like the girls on social media, or in my school. I didn't act like how the other girls acted.

Although almost everyone knew who I was, the girl looking back at me through the mirror was a stranger. This was the first time I had gathered the courage to look in the mirror in months, fearing that it would send me back into the dark place I had been trapped in for so long. And I had been right. The minute I had sat down in front of the mirror, I started picking out every flaw I saw in myself.

It was kind of funny, because everyone I talked to was telling me how lucky I was to be where I am, how I'm doing so much better than a lot of my peers are. They told me that I was living the dream.

But for me, it felt more like a nightmare.

I was expected to be happy, and why shouldn't I be? I had everything I wanted. Everything except the one thing I needed.


Lots of people told me they loved me, but in the same breath, they would deny it. They only loved me when I was good. They only loved me when they needed me, not when I needed them. All except for one person...

A knock at my door surprised me, and I turned to see my brother poke his head in. "You ok?"

He asked me. I tried to smile, but when he saw that I was sitting in front of the mirror, with fresh tear stains streaking across my face, he knew that I wasn't ok. He silently came into the room and sat down beside me.

"Did someone say something?" he asked darkly after a moment.

"No." I said, the burning lump in my throat telling me that if I said any more I would cry.

"Look, you're beautiful, ok?" my brother said, staring hard at my carpet and not meeting my eyes. "It's weird for me to say, but I think you need to hear it. Your looks aren't what make you beautiful, and your works don't dictate whether or not you are good enough. Those pretty girls you always compare yourself to? They won't stay that way forever, because looks don't last forever. Physical beauty is temporary, and yet society holds it higher in value than a good heart."

He took a breath before continuing, "Even if you did look like those girls, it wouldn't make you happy. You could be the most beautiful person in the world and still feel unhappy. If I could change the way that you see yourself, you wouldn't wonder why you're here, because your kind heart will change the world more than just another beautiful girl for everyone to compare themselves to."

I nodded slowly.

"You good now?' My brother asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded again, "I will be."
"Good. But I want you to know that as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."

I smiled. "That goes for you too."

A/N sorry for the late posting of this chapter, it's been a crazy week since school just started for me! I will still aim to post a chapter every Friday, however with my busy schedule I may not be able to meet my deadlines.
Thank you so much for reading, I can't wait to write more! Love you all! :)

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