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Billies pov:

Maggie: humhum-i heard someone fake "coughing" and when i looked up i saw my mom and dad and i immediately got off of brandons lap and off the floor

Billie: m-mom

Patrick: didnt know you two were dating

Billie: we're not

Maggie: so what was that all ab? Your gonna be a princess billie you cant walk around kissing everyone without dating them

Billie: please mom, not this again

Maggie: well, ion want you two kissing around if youre not dating-she said and i rolled my eyes getting pretty much annoyed

Billie: is that all?

Patrick: no, we're leaving, will wait on the car so you can say bye to people-he said before they both left and i awkwardly looked at brandon

Billie: so...

Brandon: so...-he said w a little smile

Billie: i better get going-i said slowly starting to walk away-tell prince and i gawa i said hi and bye-i giggled and so did he while nodding

Brandon: i will-i nodded and turned around-billie!-he said i looked back-youre a good kisser so i problably wont resist and i'll end up kissing you again

Billie: w all plesure adams-i said giggling

Brandon: bye eyelash-he said when i turned around

Billie: call me that again and i'll kick your balls idiot-i said and he laughed while i giggled and left going to find drew and zoe so i can say bye, after a while i found them-hey, im leaving, text me tomorrow-i said to them and they nodded before hugging me and i went to find claudia, didnt took me many time to found her-hey, im leaving give me your phone so i can put my new number-i said and she gave me and i put my number on it

Claudia: i'll text you okay?-she said and  i nodded

Billie: okay i gtg, my parents are waiting on the car and i still need to find your parents so i can say bye to them

Claudia: oh, just go, i'll tell them you said bye

Billie: okay, thanks baby, love you-i said before leaving and going to the car

Time skip to december 18, monday

Its been 1 month, 2 weeks and exactly 5 days since claudias family party and all that

Me and brandon are basically dating, i mean not actually dating but we always hook up so we're a thing

Today is my 17th bday and also last day of school before christmas and new year break

I got out of my bed and saw three ballons. I got the first ballon and it was black, had a cherry blossom flower and a yellow and blue cart

"Dear billie, today you turn 17, i hope you enjoy your last year as a teenager. Its unbelievable how fast you grow up.

Always remember that iam here for you. Even if you dont feel like i would understand you, im still there.

W sm love, your dad x"

I smiled at his letter. My dad is a simple person. He has a lot of difficulties to express his feelings towards people.

After that i got the second ballon wich was white w a daisy and a white and brown cart

"I cant believe youre turning 17! I still remember the first time i hold you in my arms, the first time you walked, or talked, i still remember everything.

I cant also believe that in a year from now youre gonna be married! You cant imagine how excited i'll be when you share w me how was your first time. To have your kids and to become a queen.

Mom xx"

Honestly, this letter was unnecessary. Wont even comment on this

I finally got to the last ballon, wich was grey, had a tulip and a beige and golden cart

"Yep, im spending my last day alive writing a bunch of letters to you. I have one for every special, or at least what i think will be special, moment of your life. This one is bc ik 17 is the age you always wanted to be.

'I just wanna turn 17 and stay there forever' i remember when you told me.

I love mom, dad and claudia but youre for sure who im gonna miss the most. But dont worry tho, i'll be right next to you all the time, im gonna be cheering all the great things ik you'll do in the future.

I hope you enjoy your fav age sisi.

Oh, and do yourself a favor, when you die, just die in an accident or something, dont be dumb like me and get sick going everyday knowing that you dont have much time in earth but theres nothing you cant do besides waiting.

Always remember, im right there and i'll always be.

I love you more than you can imagine, more than words can tell, more than...idk, i just love you.

Have a good life sisi, see you in the next special moment of your life, in my point of view lol.

I love you.

From the earth of dead people, finneas xxx"

At this point im crawled in a ball crying the shit out of me, im crying so hard thay it feels like either blood is gonna come out of my eyes or my eyes are gonna come out of my head

A/n: i got addicted to 13rw and stayed a bunch of days not writing nothing, and now its 1am and i have to write 3 chapters straight🙂

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