six feet under²⁷

267 12 53

3rd person pov:

Brandon: here-brandon said giving maggie, patrick and sarah their food and the three of them thanked him before leaving knowing that billie was just ab to tell him-where are they going?

Billie: i have to tell you something-billie looked at him and he nodded waiting for her to start, wich she did after a few deep breaths-jesus doesnt exist

Brandon: what a news-he chuckled

Billie: i lied-she said starting to play w her fingers-i've never slept w anyone except from you-she paused-its your baby-she finished and brandon made a fake-surprised face

Brandon: really i didnt even knew that-he said once again making a fake-surprised face

Billie: you knew?

Brandon: ofc i knew-he chuckled-youre such a bad liar-he laughed more-why do you think i always stayed by your side even when you didnt need me, i knew billie, and i mean, jesus? You didnt have another fake name?-he said and they both laughed

Billie: i was nervous okay, stop-she laughed-why didnt you tell me? That you knew?

Brandon: cuz ik you would just denigh it, not worth it-billie nodded knowing that that was problably what she would do

Billie: well, this went better than i thought-brandon smiled at her before sitting next to billie and hugging her

Brandon: you know you could just tell me right?-he said still in the hug

Billie: i was nervous, plus, you had isobel, i wasnt tryna ruin your marriage, your mom hates me enough

Brandon: she doesnt hate you-he lied and billie looked at him w her resting btch face-okay, she does, but just a lil bit-they laughed

Billie: does she even knows we're friends?

Brandon: i think she does but she also knows nothing she does or says will stop me from being your friend so-billie nodded before she felt an intense and unbearable pain in her belly, it was so intense that made her scream in pain-you okay? I- im gonna get the doctor-brandon standing up from the bed and coming back w the doctor, nurses, maggie, patrick and sarah

Doctor: billie calm down-the doctor said when billie screamed again-relax, where are you feeling the pain? -she turned back to billie

Billie: right-billie cut herself when suddently the pain stopped. She released a tired sigh before saying-it was right here-she put her hand on the lower part of her stomach, where the doctor gently took billies hand and placed hers instead, slighly pressing expecting for the baby to kick back but he didnt-now it stopped-billie said as the doctor pressed again against billies stomach and once again the baby didnt kick back

When you put a light or press on a pregnant women belly, her baby tends to kick back as an answer that he didnt enjoy that

Doctor: get me the babys heart beat now!-the doctor demanded, now pressing billies belly w both her hands on different spots waiting for an answer from the baby, but still no response

Nurse: i cant find it-the nurse said

Doctor: what?-the doctor said still focused on billies belly

Nurse: the babys heart beat, i cant find it-the nurse repeated looking at the doctor that immediatelly went to the machine surching for a heart beat or any kind of movement from the baby, but, he wasnt moving, answering the stimulations and his heart beat wasnt there as well

Billie: no! Find it! Find his heart beat! Do something!

Doctor: get everyone out, and get the team, this baby needs to come out ow! Cmon, move!-the doctor demanded

Billie was laying in the hospital bed pushing as much as she could to get her baby out, there were a couple of nurses and a pediatrician, besides brandon who was by billies side holding her hand

Brandon: cmon, you got this mamas-he whispired on billies ear as billie pushed once again. After a few pushes billie finally felt reliaved for a short second before she noticed that she couldnt hear her babys heart beat

Billie: my baby...-she whispired feeling too weak to talk louder as a couple of nurses and the pediatrician where w her baby. She then saw the pediatrician start doing cardiac massage in her baby, after a couple minutes, the pediatrician stopped looking over the clock before turning around and saying

Pediatrician: time of death, 1:17pm-he simply said-i am so sorry for your loss-he said taking his gloves off

Billie: no-she whispired once again-no please no-she said a little bit louder this time before starting to cry feeling brandon hug her and kiss her head over and over again

Doctor: im so sorry billie-she paused-would you like to hold him?-the doctor said and billie immeadiatelly nodded, she needed that. One of the nurses got the baby placing him on billies arms. He was super pale, his nose looked like billies lil button but his mouth and eyes where almost a copy of brandons

Billie: im so sorry baby-she cried holding her baby boy-i am so so so sorry-she cried more-i love you so so so so much, you have no idea-she caressed his baby hairs-i love you for infinity ok? Say hi to auntie drew and uncle fin for me deal?-she said still caressing his baby hairs-i'll meet you in a couple days-she whispered in his ear before looking at brandon who was crying as well

Brandon: i love you buddy, rest in peace-he softly said before kissing his forehead

A/n: this wasnt supposed to happen, but then i just had this idea from an idea that holymolydonut1 gave to me so yall can blame her lmaooo just kidding

next chapter will be the last one🙂

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