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                                     Dece 9th 🌥
                               Manhattan, Ny

4:13 pm

" I want two layers, I want the bottom flavor to be red velvet and the top to be cheesecake" Amour said as she was talking on the phone.

" Tell them to add white and silver decorations on it." India whispered. Amour nodded as she repeated what india had said.

" Wassup ? " Sav said as he entered the apartment.

" Hi freckle face" India smiled. " You two still planning shawty baby shower" He sat down on the couch.

" I want when you cut into the cake you see the gender" Amour said while going into her room.

" Amour taking this planning shit serious" He pulled his phone out his pocket.

" She is, cause we only got 3 days left" India yawned.

" You need some rest homie" He chuckled. " I will after I finish sending out the invitations " India said as she stretched.

" Shit, I'll be right back I forgot to pick up the rest of the decorations for the tables" Amour rushed to find her keys.

" Later" India said as amour walked out.

India glanced at Sav who eyes were buried into his phone. " So...when do you plan on going back to college ? " India asked.

" Shiiiiitt... maybe in a year or two" He said while leaning back against the couch.

" Wait why ? "

" I just found a passion for something else since i've been here and I think I wanna take it serious" He said.

" What's got your interest ? " India said as she closed out of her laptop. " You might not take me serious but I've been into modeling " He admitted.

" I could see you doing it but how does amour feel about this ? " India said. " I didn't tell her yet" He rubbed his head.

" Why not ? " India asked as she scrunched up her face. " Cause she gone be tripping if I tell her I chose to take some time off from college to do modeling" He said.

" Well if you explain it to her right I think she'll understand" India rubbed her eyes.

" You right, I'll see what's up with her after this baby shower" He smirked.

" Well I do wanna see some of these modeling pics" india snickered. " Shit I got a couple" He got up and walked over to her.

He sat down next to her and pulled his phone out and began going through his photo album.

" Aw you actually look cute in this " india took his phone.

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