Chapter 3

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Amy's Pov
I started stocking shelves and unloading boxes, beginning the day at work. I knew Emma was probably on her phone in the TV section or harassing Jonah. Oh god... I didn't even want to think about him. Now that everyone knows i am divorced, the sex jokes about him and i are just going to increase. "Hey" I turn around and found the fool himself. He was starting at me. He looked adorable as always. I guess you could say I like him. I just never would admit it because 1. i was married at the time and 2. i'm not too great with the whole feelings thing, hence my marriage ending. However, yes. I had a pretty big crush on him. "Hello?? Amy?? Earth to Amy?" "oh sorry, i've just been really zoned out lately." He grabbed my hand and i gave him a look. "Look I'm really sorry about your divorce." he said giving me a warm, but sad smile. "Oh it's fine. If we're being completely honest i never loved him anyway and i just completely wasted like 14 years of my life." I said. Jonah looked at me, and then hugged me. "It'll be alright I promise. For now i can make you feel better, You wanna go see what Emma is up to?" He asked. "Sure it's been a few hours since i've seen her" i said.
We walked to the TV area only to find a crowd.
We got closer to see Glenn having a frenzy.
"THERE IS NO WAY HE IS A CANNIBAL. I MET HIM A FEW YEARS AGO AND HE SEEMED LIKE A COMPLETELY NORMAL MAN!" i looked to the TV only to see cloud nine's mascot, Kyle the cloud. Turns out he held many victims inside his basement and basically ate them all. I turned to Dina shaking her head. "Alright people, nothing to see here, clear out! Ah, you two!" She points to Jonah and I. " I'm gonna need the two of you to clear out all of the kyle stuff and paint over his face anywhere you two see it, i have to go fend off all of these idiots and calm down glenn."
She walked away yelling at more customers while Sandra sat with Glenn on the couch helping him calm down. I walked over to Emma to see how she was doing. "Wow mom. Interesting day at work huh?" she said laughing a bit. "I guess." i replied. "have fun cleaning mom." she hugged me and i hugged her back. I turned around to find jonah and garret whispering to eachother.

Jonah's POV
"She said she didn't even love him! How great is that man?" Garrett smiled at me. "You're getting closer and closer to the gold man, Oh shit she's walking over here, change the subject!" I immediately freaked out and changed the subject to the worst thing ever.
"Oh hey Amy." "what are you two whispering about?" she asked with a confused look on her face. I panicked. "MOISTURIZER!" i yelled for everyone to hear. She gave me an odd look and said " Dina assigned us to clean out the kyle stuff, follow me." she started to walk away. Garrett started to laugh his ass off. I looked at him and shook my head. "shut it!". i said and followed Amy.

Amy's POV
i stared at jonah and watched him take down a bunch of boxes. he looked really really hot. but like so cute at the same time. everything he was doing just made him 10x more hot. "What are you staring at?" he asked "Oh uhm.. nothing just zoning out. again." i said nervously.

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