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In the foggy evening streets of the city, Kim Seokjin speed-walked across the bustling streets in his big beige coat with a loose white dress shirt and black dress pants. People whispered as they admired his looks. With raven bangs and fair skin he was handsome and ethereal. Especially with his face scrunched in fury.

He rushed past neon lights and across bridges, head angled down willing himself not to cry. The fact that his father just burned all of his paintings when he was drunk, again infuriated him. His works that brought so much joy throughout the dark in his life and it was all curling up into cinders. Caught up in his thoughts he ignored the fact that people were yelling and holding their phones up. He pushed through the sudden crowd thickening as cameras flashed. He was rubbing his eyes so when he bumped into the taller male and heard the crowd gasp he jumped a little. 

He blinked his eyes as he looked up staring into the face of a handsome stranger staring back in confusion. He looked familiar but Seokjin couldn't quite put his finger on. Red from embarrassment, Jin quickly mumbled an apology before rushing off. The crowd seemed to seep in as he left cameras flashing even more. He pondered on whether he should return home, but he went against it. He wasn't ready to face his father yet. So he continued to wander through the night.


Kim Namjoon stared off as the guy who bumped into him stumbled off. Immediately the crowds took it as an indicator that they can go up to the celebrity and rush in. Namjoon snaps out of his trance as the guards surround him. The crowd is strong though and he's also shoved back against the black van. The flashing lights get brighter and he sighs raising his hands to cover them. It's the third time this month and quite frankly, he's just tired of it. He smiles for the camera before security opens the van door and he ducks in giving a little wave before the door and window hide his figure again. 

He had just come to visit his friend Min Yoongi as a little break from right after his last PR meeting. So imagine his surprise when he stepped out of the apartment complex to a crowd of excited fans. He sighed brushing back his blonde hair before adjusting his glasses. His thoughts went back to the guy who bumped into him. 

He was cute. But he wondered how that had even happened? Usually his team would keep away most people. But this person seemed to not know who he was. Interesting. No matter, it's not like he was going to see him again. He sank into the leather seat as he thought about his busy schedule. What was tomorrow? Ah right, he was supposed to go grocery shopping with Jimin. 

He was obviously excited, a wide smile appearing on his face just thinking about hanging out with another friend without having to worry too much about his schedule. Hopefully this time, no one would know about his excursions. He pulled out his earphones, (he gave up on having air pods after losing them over thirty three times) plugging it into his phone before closing his eyes, riding out his trip to the hotel.


Seokjin stepped into his apartment complex once again careful not to make any noise. After setting down his coat he sneaked to his room, changed into his sleep clothes. Before falling onto his bed. Thank god he didn't wake up. Seokjin's father had camped in his apartment ever since he was evicted from his own home. He was always drunk and so it always reeked of some form of alcohol down the hallway. Seokjin was grateful that his father had always been a sad drunk meaning he'd never been actually physically abused. Physically is key. A lot of the time even when Seokjin was young, his father would pick and pick at him, at the very small details, everything out of place. Maybe that's why when he finally got into his university his mother decided to leave. Because of this, he had never imagined his father to burn his artwork. 

He remembered how he had yelled his eyes with pure rage as he confronted his father. The response he got was that it was that he had gone soft. His art was worthless in comparison to his office job and therefore not needed. After spending the whole night out wandering aimlessly in the city he had come to acceptance. Funny how he went through the five stages of grief al because of some stupid paintings. So he accepted the fact that they were gone. He was thinking of finding new inspiration anyways.

As for his father, Seokjin also decided to let it go. There was no point in arguing with someone who has stubborn beliefs. It was something he had ingrained in his brain. Everytime he had an argument, it would loop to Seokjin's failures and insecurities, and holler till Seokjin felt as if he could just strangle the man. Ah yes that exact feeling. He sighed and turned to his side, still deep in his thoughts. Guess he wasn't sleeping tonight.


"Thank you!" Namjoon said to the driver while gathering his things.

He stepped out of the van and into the white lobby of the hotel, checking in he dragged his luggage into the elevator with the team not far behind him. Rubbing his eyes sleepily he stared dully at the counter. After walking down the lobby and waving goodbye to his helpers he closed himself in his room. He migrated to the couch, before groaning in relief plopping down. He pulled out his phone and decided to text Jimin to prepare for the next day. But first he noticed a bunch of messages from Yoongi. 

It started out as apologies for not knowing a crowd would appear, to frantic texts saying he had heard fans running down the hall looking for him. Namjoon continued reading his face in a state of amusement when he reached the part where Yoongi said he had accepted his fate of being mobbed. Remembering why he was on his phone in the first place he quickly searched for Jimin in his contacts.

It was a simple "Hey hyung!" that got Namjoon to smile a little. It felt ordinary, texting in short sentences with someone who didn't freak out at the sight of him. They conversed for a while, he couldn't really remember what they talked about from how drowsy he was, and then Namjoon stretched out his arms in a big yawn. Texting good night to Jimin, he got ready for bed, changed into his sleep clothes and went out like a light.

The morning rolled by and soon Namjoon was pulling up his sweatpants and pulling on a cap with a face mask on. Then barreling down the hallway into the elevator before rushing out of the lobby to meet up with Jimin outside.

"Hyung!" Jimin waved, as Namjoon jogged over. He grinned cheekily as they hugged each other before separating.

Namjoon clasped his hand on Jimin's shoulders, "It's been too long! You've grown quite nicely!" he paused, then smirked, "Especially your height."

Jimin playfully pouted crossing his arms burying his face into his puffy jacket, "Shut up!" he exclaimed, ears pink, "This is bullying," he stated matter of factly. Regaining his posture he tilted his head at the older, "besides, jokes on you! We're going grocery shopping for ME." he started walking.

"Ooh, that was weak," Namjoon fired back warranting a slap from his friend as he caught up. They walked across the bustling streets as they caught up, on what was going on in each other's lives and such, talking about new interests and sharing music. Finally they reached the grocery store and entered through the sliding doors. Jimin nagged him to go to the fruit section first, and eventually Namjoon gave in, so that's what they did. Picking out cherries and blueberries before moving to another area. Soon they had bags of peaches, pears, kiwi and- WAIT. Namjoon looked back up eyes wide to see the dark haired guy he bumped into yesterday. He still looked nice even in a casual outfit and hair slightly disheveled. Namjoon blushed slightly. Maybe he should confront him. Maybe to apologize for yesterday? Before thinking, Namjoon left Jimin and walked over and grabbed the male's wrist.

"Excuse me?"

NOTE: Another friendly reminder that I like to write exposition a lot. If this is boring please tell me and I will try to make it more interesting. Also, sorry for the crummy ending it was kind of rushed.

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