Chapter 4: Pineapples

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"Octavio, you can put me down now, I can walk," I giggle as Octavio continues to pack me through the city.

"No, gracias. I don't want you to get lost," he responds and I can't help but playfully roll my eyes at this.

"I won't get lost," I promise. He stops and slowly sets me down on my feet.

"I know you won't because we're here. Welcome to Marco's Pizzeria, home of the best pizza ever!" Octavio turns me around to look at the restaurant. It's a simple brick building sandwiched between an arcade and an insurance agency. It has two windows on each side of a glass double door. A green and white canopy hangs over the entrance and windows. Above it is a big, neon sign that has Marco's written in big, red letters.

"It's cute!" I comment as Octavio opens the door for me. As soon as I'm inside, the delicious aroma of freshly baked pizza hits my nose. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, it smells incredible. I feel Octavio walk up next to me and I hear him laugh. "You good ángel?"

"Oui, if the food is half as good as the smell then it must be amazing!" I compliment.

"Trust me, you will not be disappointed," he reassures before a middle-aged man comes up to us.

"Yo Octane! The usual seat?" The man asks and Octavio nods.

"Wassup Marco? Si, por favor," he nods.

"You know where it is, you and your lovely lady enjoy!' Marco says before walking back towards the kitchen, leaving me red as a tomato. I look up at Octavio's face and see a pink tint on his cheeks. Is he... blushing?

"Vamos, Nat. Let's go sit down before Marco embarrasses me even more," Octavio mutters and I chuckle.

"I thought the Octane wouldn't be embarrassed that easily," I tease him and he shrugs.

"Usually I don't, but I guess its different when it comes to you."

My eyes widen in shock and I'm left speechless. Did he really just say that? Or am I imagining it in my head?

My thoughts are cut off by Octavio pulling me towards a booth in the corner. I can see why he usually sits here, it's more secluded than the other seats and wraps around the corner of the wall, making it one huge seat with plenty of room. We sit on opposite sides of each other and scoot towards the middle so we can look at the menu together.

"What pizza do you recommend?" I question and Octavio thinks for a moment.

"It depends on what you like. Personally, I love the hand-tossed. If you want, I can order a large one for us to share," he responds and I nod. "Oui, sounds good!"

"Okay, hermosa, just pick out what you want on it. As long is it has pepperoni I'm good with anything else," Octavio points to a list on the menu that has all the available toppings. I read over it and contemplate what I want. There are so many things to chose from, I'm having a hard time deciding. Eventually, I figure out what I want.

"I think I want some bacon and pineapples on it," I decide and Octavio gives me a weird look.

"Hold on, pineapple? You like pineapple on pizza?"

"Yes?" I timidly confess.

"Awesome! I thought I was the only one!" Octavio cheers, "All the other legends always say how disgusting it is and never let me order it when we eat together."

"Well, now we can team up together and make them get it!" I announce.

"Si! But for now, I'll go place our order, be right back!" He stands up and runs over to the counter in the front. I smile at his energy, he seems to run everywhere he goes.

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