Chapter 9: Apology

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    I lay on my bed and stare up at my ceiling as time slowly ticks by. It's been a few days since the first match, but Octavio and I have not spoken much since then. It's not that I am holding a grudge or anything, its just he is never home for us to talk. He leaves about 5:30 AM every day and he doesn't come home until almost 1 AM. I worry about him, it is not healthy to get such little sleep at night. It makes me wonder how much stim he's taking so he can function.

    I turn over in my covers and hug my Nessie tight to my chest, thoughts of him racing in my mind. I just want us to hang out again like the day we met. It was so sweet taking me out to dinner and showing me around the beautiful city lights at night. Not to mention how he comforted me after my nightmare.

    My nightmares still occur every night making me dread going to sleep. I wish Octy would cuddle me like the first night. That was the only time since the death of my papa that I rested peacefully.

    My cheeks heat up at the thought of him hugging me tight against his chest. It was at that moment I realized that my feelings had grown much more than a simple crush. Octavio is different from anyone else I've ever met. He may seem a bit rough on the outside, but underneath that mask is the kindest, not to mention sexiest, man I have ever met. I've always been the rational person to think things through before doing something. Although, the only exception was my feelings.

    When it comes to Octy, all rational thoughts disappear. He makes me feel things that I can't explain. These few days without him have been dull or boring. Our time apart has led me to a simple conclusion, I am falling for Octavio Silva.

    "Ugh!" I groan, burying my face into the pillow. All these thoughts have been racing around my mind for days. The other legends have noticed my change in attitude and have questioned me about it. Of course, I put on a fake smile and tell them I am just tired. Technically, its not completely a lie, just leaving out the whole truth.

    Ajay is the only one out of the group who has figured out what's wrong despite me denying it. She promises that she will talk to him next time she sees him. I insist that's not what is going on but she disregards my statements, she is just as stubborn as her brother.

    I spend the most time in my now fully furnished room, drawing new plans for inventions to take my mind off of Octy. I wish I could make something to get rid of my pull to him. Unfortunately, research shows that it's not possible. I've never been so attached to someone other than my papa that not seeing them makes me feel awful. I just want him to burst in through my door and pull me into one of his tight hugs that I love.

    Taking a deep breath, I decide to at least attempt to get some rest. I shut my eyes but immediately hear a knock on my bedroom door. I sit straight up, puzzled about who it could be. I pull back the covers and stand upon the ground before making my way towards the door. I twist the nob and open it slightly. Peeking through the crack, I see the unmasked man I've been thinking about.

    "Octavio?" I gasp and open the door for the rest of the way.

    "Hola, ángel," he nervously chuckles, his smile making my heart skip a beat.

    "W-what are you doing home so early?" I question, causing him to sigh.

    "I wanted to apologize," he admits, "I've been the biggest jerk to you lately. I don't know about you, but the last few days for me have been hell for me. I really missed hanging out with you." He steps closer, making my breath hitch in my throat as I gaze into his amazing hazel eyes.

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