Sad Boi Cal

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    Oki this first one isnt a request, just an idea that's been stuck in my head. It’s some angst with Cal before all the recent stuff went down. It's also about some things that I made up. There is no ship but it is a Cal and Lychee friendship.



    Cal was sitting on his bed thinking about things. His mind began to wander to events that happened before camp. 


    Cal was playing with his younger siblings at the park, his mom and stepdad watching from a nearby bench. There was a short brick wall not too far from where the siblings were playing. Cal suddenly freezes seemingly seeing something, he quickly grabs his siblings hands and pulls them both behind the wall. 

    The sound of tires screeching against the black top, Then a loud bang and he hears his little brother cry out as more bangs fill the streets. Cal glances over to his little brother Kyle, he sees a red blob spread on the front of Kyle's shirt. Cal immediately puts his hands over the bullet wound but realizes his attempts are futile. He holds Kyle and Lizzie until Kyle finally closes his eyes and stops moving. 

     He listens to make sure that the cars are gone and then glances to the bench where his parents were sitting. His mom was laying on the bench motionless, blood on her head. His stepfather lay face down on the ground surrounded by a pool of red. He turned back to Lizzie and held her before she had a chance to see that aftermath of the shooting. He held her there in his arms until she fell asleep then he carried her out from behind the wall. 

     Officers immediately rush toward the pair asking questions. Cal answered them numbly. They take him and his sister into one of the cars and ask if they have any other family members they can call, Cal tells them no and the officer leaves to go ask other people if they have seen anything.


     Cal was sitting in his room that he shared with another teen his age. His sister was also located in the same foster home. Today was Lizzie’s 5th birthday, although he was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to spend the day with her. He had to go to his graduation. 

~After~Graduation~Cause~Idk~How to~do~That~Shit~

     Cal got to his temporary home, his caretakers pulling him aside. He looked at them confused before asking,

     “What's wrong?”

     The two looked at each other, nodding.

     “Cal,” Kai started, “we're just going to rip the bandaid off with this.”

     Cal continued to look at them confused, before he realised something.

     “Cal your,-” Cal cuts of Kai saying, 

     “She’s gone isn’t she,” He says knowing the answer.

     Kai looks at him sadly before nodding.


     “I didn’t even get to give her the locket I got her,” Cal whispers as he feels tears flow from his eyes. 

     He clutches the locket that hung from his neck. He unclasps the locket from his neck and opens it, looking at the two pictures that laid inside. One of Lizzie and himself both smiling, the other of his mom, dad, Kyle, Lizzie, and himself. He can feel more tears flow freely down his face. 


     Lychee entered the common room, bored. He perked up and became concerned as he heard muffled sobs. He quickly located their origin, and swiftly opened Cals door, not caring to knock. Lychee’s eyes widen as he sees the usually calm and happy kid having a breakdown. He closes the door to keep away prying eyes, and walks over to Cal. He sits down on Cal’s bed pulling the younger into his embrace. 

     Lychee starts to rub small circles on the others back. He begins to hum a tune his da-Brandeen would use to help him fall asleep after a nightmare. The hum seemed to help as he heard the sobs slowly stop, and Cal’s breathing become even. Lychee feel’s his own eyes droop as he holds Cal. He falls asleep protectively holding the other.


     Let’s just say that was a very awkward awakening, as Cal didn’t remember anything until Lychee told him.


     So, how was that? First one shot I’ve done. Hope it was good and that you enjoyed it. Also don’t forget to leave a request.

Good Day, Good Night, And GoodBye,


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