You. Hurt. Mario.

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Oki this is a request from, phoeinxorigins100, thank you for the request, I hope I did it well, as I don’t ship it personally. Mario might be a little OOC because of the idea I had. This is also set before brandon went and trapped himself in his own mind, but ya know.


The Diabolus twins both sat in their office. Discussing something of the utmost importance, their favorite ship. See the twins were both adamant shippers, if they ship people they will not stop until the ship sails. The ship they were discussing this time was Dario or David x Mario. They were discussing the plan to get the pair together, when they could hear an explosion and then a voice yell,                   

“Get off of me you damned rock for brains!”

“I’m sorry that Inmo exploded, not my fault!”

The twins smirked at each other as a daily occurrence just assisted with their plan. Brandon called down to the guild below,

“Mario! David! Get your asses up here!”

The twins could hear the groans from the two wizards as they made their way up to them. The pair entered the office grumbling about one thing or another. Although the pair were silent as Brandon's cold glare passed over them. Ritchie smiled at the two and they both shuddered fearing their guild leader. 

“You both are getting on our nerves, so as punishment, you have to go on a quest together.” Brandon pauses looking at the annoyed faces of his guild members. “If you fight on this quest, you will both be getting an extreme game of dodge the lightning bolt. Do you understand me.” Brandon threatens, letting his glare pass over the pair.

They both agree begrudgingly before taking the fake quest from Ritchie. The two leave, leaving the twins smirking.


    To say David wasn’t excited to spend time with Mario would be a lie. See David would never admit this to anyone, but he liked Mario. David was grumbling about his guild leaders, even though he was silently thanking them.

    Little did David know, Mario was thinking the same. Mario paused as he sniffed the air, David following suite. Before David could question the Cavern Slayer, Mario cried out in pain. David grew concerned as he didnt see anything hit the other mage. He called out,

    “Show yourself!”

    “Why would I do that?” A voice said next to him.

    David’s eyes narrowed as he did a roundhouse kick aimed where the voice was. He successfully hit something as the voice grunted. David quickly looked to Mario and his anger spiked, Mario was clutching a bleeding wound. While he was distracted, their attacker took this time to get a hit in. David groaned as he felt a fist connect with his face.

    David heard Mario cry out again, as he was pushed to the ground. David felt rage course through him as he quickly grabbed the arm of their attacker as it became slightly opaque. 

    “Ice make, knife,” David says, putting the knife to the attacker's neck.

    “You. Hurt. Mario.” David said deathly calm.

    He began to put more pressure on the knife, drawing blood.

    “David, Stop.”

    “He hurt you, he deserves to die.”

    “No he doesn’t.” David heard Mario move, before he was pulled to face the other. 

    David was quickly pulled into a kiss by the other, he quickly dropped the attacker. He closed his own eyes before kissing back. The attacker took this time to run off before his cover was blown. The two pulled from the kiss, both blushing.

    “I-I’m sorry,” Mario stuttered.

    “I like yo- No, Love you,” David said, pulling the other into another kiss.

    “I love you as well,” Mario said as they pulled away.

    “So, Lord pebble brain, will you be my boyfriend?” David asks.

    Mario looks at the other surprised before saying, “Yes!”

    “Now let's get you back before you die from blood loss,” David says, putting the other on his back.

    Mario at that moment realised how tired he had gotten, and didn't complain.



    “We’re dating,” the two say in unison.

    “Finally you told us!” Lukas says knowing they were together, as he played with the cut he got while assisting his guild leaders.

    The rest of the guild just congratulated them, as they grumbled about it taking too long for them to get together.


So, how was that? First request I’ve done hope it was good. Also, I didn't ship this before I started and now I do. Good luck to everyone who is starting school soon or has already started. I also believe I will be posting every other day, hopefully probably not. I just might post when I finish a request or when I feel like posting. Love yall.

Good Day, Good Night, And GoodBye,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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