Unlucky (Fluff) - By Khi

887 19 111

An Amanene Oneshot

(A lot of fluff)

Today was the week before Nene's birthday. She should be happy that her birthday was coming up soon, but the truth is, she wasn't.

Every year, the week before her birthday was a disaster. More specifically, the Friday before her birthday.

She'd mostly fall over nothing and or hurt herself badly. Or even when things out of her reach didn't go her way. Anything that involved any luck would be bad. Today was no exception. She was going to end up with a bunch of wounds on her body...

"Good morning Nene Chan!" Aoi greeted her near the gate.

"Good morning Ao Chan!" They talked until they reached the classroom.

"Ah, Akane San," The teacher stopped them in the hall. "Can you bring these papers to the student council for me please?"

"Yes Sensei." Aoi grabbed the papers from her teacher.

"Thank you. Yashiro San, can you excuse Akane San from first period?" Nene nodded as the teacher walked off.

"See you later!" Yashiro said.

"I'll be right back Nene Chan!" Aoi said before running off. Nene watched as Aoi ran off but a paper fell out of her hands.

"Ah! Ao Chan!" Nene grabbed the paper and ran up to Aoi. "You dropped this- Ah!"


Yashiro had tripped over her feet. Nene had mentally prepared for the impact on her face, but it never came.

"Phew~ Yashiro, you're lucky I was only a few seconds away." Someone caught Nene before she fell on her face, although she took some impact on her legs.

She looked up at the person who caught her from falling all the way down.

"Amane Kun!" Amane smiled. He let her sit down on the floor and took the paper in her hands.

"Nene Chan! Are you ok?" Aoi rushed over. Yashiro nodded. Amane let her down on the floor and took the paper in her hands.

"Hmmm." Amane looked at the paper. "Here you go Aoi San."

"Thank you Yugi Kun." Aoi took the paper from him, "I'll be on my way then. Bye guys!"




"Now for you." Amane said turning to her. He lended a hand for Nene. "Have you fallen for me, Yashiro?"

"Really? That's the best you've got?" Yashiro said reaching for his hand. "I'm not falling for your tricks this time, Amane Kun." He chuckled.

Amane pulled Yashiro up but also pulled her in.

"But... you're blushing." Amane smirked.

"I- No-!" Yashiro pushed Amane away.

"It-It's... Let's just go in the classroom." Yashiro mentally hit herself for stuttering.

Amane looked down. "I'll be right back Yashiro." He said before running out.

Was it because she pushed him away? Does he hate her now? Hopefully not...

Yashiro walked in the classroom.

"Good morning, Tsuchigomori Sensei."

"Oh, good morning Yashiro San." Tsuchigomori asked glancing at her for one second before returning to his book. "Akane San isn't with you?"

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