Chapter 11

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So y'all missed me???? I mean really where I am right now Covid is on the rise my office building closed today for cleaning so here I am finally able to give this chapter. I'm worried about my family and friends with this virus. Will the world ever be normal again? When? How? I'm saddened by this honestly and it's been eating at me affecting my writing and even my relationship. 😔 sorry for my mini rant here please please please guys stay safe.


After that entirely weird situation with Kenny and Rio things were quite for a couple days, then you started seeing Rhea everywhere including the bakery café so she was feeling stalked by the bitch now. With the opening of her new place coming close under a month to be exact she was about to go back home.

As Beth sat and though about leaving this place she knew a conversation with Rio was a must or else the man would just keep stalking her family and honestly she was done shouldering the stress of the twins alone it's about time the little shit stepped up too.

While talking to the contractor over her new blend of herbal jasmine coconut flavored tea once again she saw Rhea once again lurking. Having had enough she walked out to the other side of the street and stared pointedly at her, indicated with her head to get in the building and to her office with a head jerk towards the direction.

Beth learned to be a woman of few words in recent years when she shot Dean, she smiled thinking of that fond memory at the twin 1st birthday. Rhea passed her and headed towards the office she had stormed out of weeks prior, Beth strolled in and sat behind her desk deciding this conversation was going to go one way.

"Before you start accusing me once more of God knows what Rhea I suggest you choose your words wisely. I'm at the end of my rope and as you have been told I tend to get shooty under stress and duress."

Beth tossed her hair over her shoulder staring at Rhea with cold hard eyes. Rhea sighed squared her shoulders and started talking.

"I will not have Marcus around you if Rio decides to be in your life once more. I would like you to respect my decision to keep your basta.. a mean children away from him."

Beth's fist was squeezing so hard her palms had blood welling up she knew Rhea wanted to say bastards. She got up in one fluid motion and locked her office door hearing Rhea protest to this and paying it no mind. She picked up her phone and dialled.

"Sup Ma?" He answered a bit breathy

"If you had any respect for Rhea get down here before it gets bloody Rio, I'm at my office." She hung up not waiting for a response and sat down in her chair.

"What the fuck are you doing Beth?" Rhea got up to leave only to see Beth's very real glock appear and placed on the table in-front her.

"If you try to leave before Rio gets here it's going to be in a body bag Rhea." There was no feeling in her voice just cold hard rage.

"Elizabeth open up." She got up and opened the door letting Rio in while she went to dismiss her work crew. Slipping back into the office she saw Rio looking murderous at Rhea and got pissed killing that bitch was her right as of the moment she called her kids bastards.

Locking the door once more she went for her seat and her gun materialised once more, she dialled Mr.Gustavo to act as the lawyer in this sense to draft up the agreement they would reach in this office right now.

"Liz are you ok? How can I help?" She explained while Rhea and Rio argued and when he agreed she shut them up.

"Shall we begin so we can all get home. Now as Rhea mentioned you won't be allowed to see Marcus should you get involved with me again, and if I let my, what was the word you almost used Bastards right? Near him I didn't really pay attention after that."

"Is that right Rhea bastards huh mama?" Rio looked at her eyes of steel

" my children are going to be allowed to know their brother and father Rhea and not to spite you but because they need to know their family." Her eyes flickered to Rio

" yes I almost killed his dad but if he's forgiven me what's your fucking problem?" Staring her dead in the eyes Rhea was pissed easy to tell

"You're a fucking suburban housewife and he's chasing you!!! Our relationship barely worked and I knew his life but he's running around for YOU?" Beth blinked so she was jealous of her well go figure. Before she could get a word out Rio handled it.

"We never worked, you were nosy in my business when you weren't business. You wanted to be queen of an empire that I never gave you. You were never my Queen we were friends that fucked occasionally that I had love for then we had Marcus who I didn't know about until your 7th month."

"We won't work and we never will Ma so get over it we coparent." And with that I saw Rhea deflate that war was over now the other one.

"I have my lawyer on the phone I want this all legal and copies with will be sent to you to sign. My kids will be introduced to Marcus and they will know they have a brother." I saw Rhea's expression and sighed

"However I will not force them spending time I just want them to meet. Once Rhea is comfortable then we renegotiate, Rio will be a FULL time parent or he will sign away all parental rights. My kids need full time people not part time they already had that with Dean the asshole."

"Right...right do you come with the deal to Red?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head no which he frowned at.

"See now Elizabeth that's not fair if you want a full time parent then I need you full time ALL of you. Or no deal what's so ever." I narrowed my eyes at him

"I might shoot you again Christopher." He laughed and quiet hen smirked

"I'm counting on that sweetheart so deal right?" I nodded and he smiled.

We went through a few more points Rhea adding her own needs and wants then we were done and I hung up with a promise it would be sent tomorrow. I watched Rhea leave and Rio staying behind. He locked the door behind him and moved around the desk.

Hauling me out of my chair and against him before I had time to think my mouth was covered with his,

"See I told you Elizabeth your mine."

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