7. - Chapters 7: The Young and The Resistant

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     Cander was in shock, "How could I let this happen, I was supposed to be there for them.." Cander said starting to cry. "How sad." A mysterious voice said. "...What, who said that?!" Cander said fearfully. "So sad, indeed where did it go wrong!" the figure said sinfully. " You know you should be careful you never know what could happen to him." They whisper it in Cander's ear. "Face it the closer you get to him the more pain you'll feel." The voice got louder to cause his ears to ring."Imagine how you'll feel when he died." "What...what are you talking about?!" Cander said "I get it you have Dreamed but half of them aren't going to come true," "You keep holding on but you have to learn to let go." The voice said "Huh?"
     "It's time to give up on those dreams Cander, give up and give in" "Shut up...." Cander said quietly "Excuse me?" the mysterious voice said, "I said shut up!" Cander said, "I don't know whom you think you are to tell me what I should  or I shouldn't do but I'll say this, their my dreams and I'll follow them until otherwise." "You're making a huge mistake..." the voice said, "They're my dreams I'll do what I wish with them," Cander said as his eyes began to glow. "Hmm, what a shame you know out of all of them I thought you would understand considering the fact that you've had the worst of it...." The voice said sadly "Oh well they'll be others."

       Suddenly Cander heard someone's footsteps running towards his direction. Out of nowhere Ezrel kicked the door down and held Cander by the collar against the wall. "What...the heck happened," Ezrel said furiously. "I don't know!" Cander said still crying "Well tell me what you do know!" Ezrel responded."I went to look for him since he had not come to class after free-period," Cander said, "I heard him call my name and following his voice, I found myself at the bathroom where he was trapped behind a giant wall of ice, I had to go get the nurse so she could unfreeze it with her fire magic but by the time she unfroze it he was unconscious and really cold."Ezrel loosens up her grip. "So you had nothing to do with this?" Ezrel said "Of course I don't... I mean really care for Deene I would never do anything to hurt him" Cander said. You could see a pinch of pink come out from his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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