-Where did she come from?!-

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??? POV

I was relaxing in a too familiar tree branch watching the birds fly in the blue sky as if they were playing tag with each other. The morning light of the sun was gently caressing the fur of my snow white ears. My tail swinging slightly at the sound of mother nature. It's really a beautiful day today. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like this countries like me...love to come here and relax!

I close my eyes and inhale the sweet cent of nature. I was interrupted by a splash. I carefully open my eyes and see two familiar countries playing in the stream.

"South-Kun! Poland-Kun! Happy to see you decided to join me Minasan!" I say with a Cheery tone.

"Oh, Hi Japan-a!" Said South, looking at me while playing with the water.

"Hi Japs" Said the sweet and shy voice of Poland.

"So what brings you here Minasan? Is it because the others are still fighting?" I ask with a questioning look, even if I know exactly what the answer is.

"Bingo" South answered. " You know how much North gets Violent if America is involved in a fight....For that matters he's always violent." He glanced at the ground probably thinking again about his Brother's manners.

"Yeah...it scares me when they start fighting like that. This time America started it. He started to annoy Russia and when he snapped he poured Vodka on his 'Precious' Burger" Said Poland " You have no Idea how much Ame got mad" continued Poland as he sweat dropped.

'Oh I can only imagine how the fight is continuing' "If I'm not wrong UN should be home in a few minutes right?"

"Tak, we just have to hope they don't Destroy the house before he is back..." (tak= yes) Answered Poland sighing.

I giggled slightly as I thought about the older countries trying to stop the fight. 'Ahhh... poor China' My thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud.

"Kyaaaa!" "oof!" I fell from the branch where I was relaxing...with my face...

"ilbon gwaenchanh-a?!" (Japan are you ok?!) I heard the voice of South ask me.

"Itai...! Itai!" (Ouch...! Ouch!) 'God, it hurt!' I open my eyes to be met with an unfamiliar sight.

"Ningen?!" (A human?!)

-Meet Again-Countryhumans/Countryballs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now