-"What the -" -

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(Y/n)'s POV


I was woken up by the sound of some unfamiliar voices. "Ugh..." 'Ouch my head' My hands went to touch my forehead , it seems that my whimpers of pain silenced their conversation.

"....Miss...are you okay?" I heard a sweet high pitched voice say. "Yeah...I think" My hands still rubbing on my forehead in a failed attempt of trying to ease the pain.

"It doesn't seem so..." Another voice said. 'So there are 2 people?'

"Actually...we are three!" Said a third voice. "Wait, you can read minds?" I said, still not opening my eyes as I tried to sit up.

"No....you're just talking out loud" 'oof' "well then...I really am stupid" I said slightly lughing at my statement.

"Oh don't say that! I'm sure there is an explanation on how you got here!" The sweet high pitched voice said. That's when it hit me.....I had no slight idea on where I was, and I was talking to a bunch of complete strangers. I shot my eyes open after realizing the situation I was in.


'Welp...this was not the sight I was willing to see..' I stare at that too familiar bunch of cuteness.


I get on my knees and put my hands on the grass beneath me. "...countryballs..." I mutter under my breath.

"Miss you ok?" I glanced behind the countryball I was staring a few seconds ago. "there is even south korea and poland..."

"uhhhh...." I return my gaze to the first countryball as I stand up with the help of my hands. This seemed to startle Poland and South korea as they took....um...one jump back?

As I'm still staring at the Asian country I decide to do the impossible.....Pick it up.

I crouch in front of it and this seems to get the little ball attention as it stares at me with a questioning face. I put my hands in front of it, and it seems the ball gets the idea as it gets in my hands.

"Japan what are you doing?!" I hear one of the two countries mutter.

I get up with the little ball still in my hands as I continue to stare at it with a shocked face.

I get up with the little ball still in my hands as I continue to stare at it with a shocked face

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At this point I'm still trying to understand if this is a dream or not sooo......I squeeze it's cheeks.

"hehe you're tickling me!" said... "Japan..."

"Huh do I know you?" Answered the country, still giggling a little bit.

It was at this point that I had enough and decided to of course black out.

Japan's POV


"Oof-" I fell on top of the stranger as she suddenly fell on the ground.

"Oh god japan are you ok?!" Said Poland as he and South ran up to me worried.

I jumped off the stranger and said that I was fine. South suddenly tackled me to the ground and said: "바보! (stupid!) Are you crazy?! Why did you trust that human like that?! What if it tried to kill you?!" He was really scared and mad from what I could see.

"I'm fine South! She didn't seem to have bad intentions really." It was at that moment that I realized that the human was still there....on the floor.

"Wait! Is she fine?!" I looked at the human with a worried look as my ears flattened on my head. Poland was next to her poking her with his wing.

"Well....she blacked out" The polish country said sighing in relief.

"Seriously?! What does this woman have with blacking out?!" I slapped South head with my tail.

"Oh you would black out too if you found yourself in a forest and the first thing you see are moving balls with the face of the world countries" I lectured the Korean country. I was interrupted by the voice of poland. "Soooo.....what do we do with her?" Me and South stopped and realized the situation. "Uhhhh....I think I will...you know...go get China and the others"


(Y/n)'s POV

I start to wake up with an uneasy aura surrounding me. I keep my eyes closed as I don't want to go blind from the morning light. I sit up and suddenly feel my head pounding. It didn't take me long to realize the bad headache I had. I grunt from the pain and try to touch my forehead with my right hand....the key word is 'tried'.

'Huh?' I question myself as I feel something on my wrists. I carefully open my eyes to see what was tied around my wrists. '....A rope?' I stare at it with sleepy eyes before realizing the situation. 'Wait why am I even tied up?'

I looked around to what three seconds ago I thought was my room, just to be met with an unfamiliar sight. 'Wait...' I stare at them for a moment. '1- This is not my room, where the fu** am I? 2-Why the heck am I surrounded by Countryballs plushies?'

I just stared at them for a moment with a questioning look before blinking.

3rd POV

As they were staring at each other with intense stares the aura around the room began to get awkward. You could literally cut the tension with a pair of scissors if you wanted. Fortunately a voice interrupted your train of thoughts.

"Are you going to stare at us for all eternity human?" The too familiar sassy American decided to speak up. This finally made (Y/n) remember the events that occured not too long ago. All that could be heard in that room now is a high pitched scream from our dear reader.


"Заткнись, женщина!" (Shut up woman!)


"Mademoiselle please calm down-"


(Y/n) voice was silenced by a cold object placed against her head.

"다시 말하면 네 머리를 망칠 게" (Talk again and I will fu**ing nuke your head)

-Meet Again-Countryhumans/Countryballs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now