Chapter Seven

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"Violet Harmon" Hayden said slowly to make Violet more and more anxious "Meet Charles Montgomery, doctor to the stars"

"Miss McClaine tells me you're in trouble" Charles continued, oblivious to Hayden's plan. His interest was doing his job, not what this auburn haired manipulator had to say. Everything he did was in the name of science "I am here to help"

"No, no, no" Violet protested as Charles grabbed her fore arms and Hayden grabbed her legs. They lifted her onto the table and tied her down.

"Worry not, Miss Harmon" He turned around to get his tools out of where he had stored them and inhaled some ether to boost his creativity. Turning back around, he grinned at the terrified dirty blond.

"You deserve it" Hayden hissed in her ear as she stroked Violet's hair menacingly "You will respect me, Violet because if you weren't already dead, you'd be praying you were"

"Don't cut me open!" Violet wept violently as she looked up at Charles through watery eyes. He didn't hesitate to lower his scalpel down to Violet's lower abdomen, making a long incision.

Blood leaked out of her stomach. She tried to lift her head up to see, only for it to be pushed back down with force by Hayden. Her head began to race from where she had been smacked down and the countless other times Hayden had caused damage to her head.

"Help me!" She screamed as she felt more blood ooze out of her. Charles was now dragging a knife up her leg, leaving nasty grazes and cuts as he moved up and down. Violet felt the knife catch her skin and it being lifted up slowly - she was being skinned.

"Stop crying!" Hayden shouted back at her, slapping her hard across the face.

Ignoring Hayden's orders, Violet continued to kick and scream as she began to lose the skin on her legs. Fear began to take over her as she shook herself hysterically.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In her time of need, she said the name she never wanted to hear again. He would save her, regardless of what was going on between the them. She needed her hero.



He was lurking by the back door of the house when he heard his name being screamed. His eyes widened as he realized who was screaming and, without thinking, he ran to the basement faster than he had ever run in his existence. Thundering down the stairs so fast and hard, he felt as if they'd break underneath him.

There she was.

Violet, the love of his life, was lying on a table and being tortured by two people he could now only think of as monsters. She was bleeding heavily around her stomach and the skin on her legs was now loose and peeling off.

"Leave her alone!" Tate shouted, catching the attention of Hayden but not Charles.

"Really?" Hayden laughed as she turned back to Violet, amused at her decision to summon Tate. She was too busy fighting tears and fear to reply but could see the heartbreak in Tate's eyes as he looked over her damaged body.

"I said leave her alone!" He repeated as he glared at Hayden, killing her with his eyes. How dare she hurt Violet!

"Why should I?" She chuckled walking towards him, running her arms over his chest seductively "You know it's me you really want"

She brought her lips up to Tate's, kissing him roughly and causing Violet to cry out in emotional pain. Tate grabbed her wrists and shoved her back. Hayden chuckled as she snatched a saw off of Charles.

"She brought this on herself, lover boy" Hayden bent down beside Violet and stroked her cheek, making Tate turn scarlet with anger. Smirking, Hayden positioned the saw at Violet's neck and began to saw

"No!" Tate yelled as he pushed Hayden out of the way and knocked her to the concrete ground. Charles, knowing he didn't stand a chance, disappear into the darkness of the basement

"Tate" Violet cried as he untied her from the table. Carefully, She placed her feet on the concrete and stood shakily, clinging into Tate for support "I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" He sobbed over and over again as picked her up and held her tight.

"I love you" She whispered as she tried to keep herself from crying, an impossible task "I love you so so much"

Suddenly, her small, fragile was ripped from his embrace. Hayden, now back on her feet, had hold of the Harmon daughter in a head lock and the cool metal of the saws' teeth pressing against Violet's chest, digging them into her flesh.

"Let her go" Tate growled as he inched closer, not wanting to move too quickly otherwise his precious Violet, who he had got back a matter of seconds ago, would be sawed in half.

"She belongs to me now!" Hayden barked while pressing the saw deeper and deeper, making Violet gasp from lack of oxygen "She's mine"

"She's not an object!"  Tate said firmly, raising her voice a little "You can't treat her like your punch bag! I won't let you!"

"Tough shit, Romeo"

As quick as anything, Hayden began to saw through her captive. More of Violet's blood splurted out, splattering patches of crimson all over the basement. Her intestines dropped out of the saw's entrance, curling themselves in a circle like a string of bloody sausages. It was then her knees gave way. Hayden let go off Violet's body and allowed it to fall to the ground. Tate dashed towards it, catching her before she hit the floor again.

"I'll be back for her" The auburn warned as she released the saw from her grip "And then, I'll have her for good"


"He knows"

"Who does? We've always been discreet"

"Yeah but Chad's like a hawk - He sees everything"

"And what's he going to do?"

"Nothing. I won't let him"

"He shall never come between us"

"That queen is everywhere! He won't piss off"

"He loves you"

"I don't love him though!"

"He doesn't know you, not like I do"

"I'm doomed to be stuck here with him"

"You don't have to be. We can be happy together"

"He'll always be here"

"And so will I"


"Nothing will ever come between us. I give you my word"

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