Chapter 5

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"What? That's impossible!" Jada said to the police officer.

A few days had passed since Malcolm had disappeared behind the abandoned building. Jada had listened to Tyler and kept quiet, not mentioning anything to her mother. 

"I'm sorry miss, but your brother is missing. He wasn't in the alley with the other rebel gang members, and there was no evidence that he had been there at all," the police officer replied calmly. He was a short man, and his face didn't look apologetic at all.

"Check again! You're just a bunch of lazy cops that don't know how to do your job correctly!"  Jada shouted angrily.

"Jada, apologize this instant!" Mrs. Stone shouted.

"Fine. I'm sorry," Jada muttered, then turned to run up the stairs and into her room.

"I'm sorry, sir. She's just upset. Thank you for stopping by," Jada heard her mother say from downstairs.

Jada heard the front door closing, and her mother's footsteps coming up the stairs. Jada sighed, knowing she was about to receive a lecture. She hadn't meant to explode at the police officer, she was just confused. How could Malcolm have just disappeared?

"Young lady, care to explain why you were so rude to the kind officer?" Mrs. Stone sounded angry, but her face revealed her grief. 

"I'm just worried about Malcolm, that's all." Jada avoided her mother's gaze, afraid that her face would reveal that she had been there when Malcolm had gone to the building.

"That's not an excuse for you to start acting up. Now get going. You're late for school. And for god's sake fix your hair!" Mrs. Stone stormed away quickly, disappearing into her room. 

Jada walked over to a mirror and undid her ponytail, putting it into a tight bun. She then grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs. She closed the front door behind her and ran straight into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." Jada looked up to see a boy with pale skin, dark brown eyes, and jet-black hair that stuck out at the front.

"Tyler?" She hadn't expected to see him again. He looked angry, but beneath that, Jada noticed a sense of urgency.

"Get in. I'll give you a ride to school." Tyler walked over to his car, which he had parked in her driveway.

Jada hesitated. "Why should I trust you? Also, why aren't you at school?"

"Why are you always asking questions? Lakeside High School doesn't start for another hour. Now get in! We need to talk about your brother." Tyler slammed his door shut.

Jada walked around and entered the passenger seat. Lakeside High School was on the other side of town, and she tried not to let that bother her. She sat down and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently. She'd had enough of Tyler's aggressive attitude, and she wished that he would stop treating her like a child.

"Okay, spill. Why was there a police officer at your door?" Tyler asked.

"He came to tell us that Malcolm is missing and that there was no sign that he was even in the alley. He's obviously lying! Why can't he just-"

"Quit it! That officer might not be lying. Alright, after school, we're going to meet with the rebel gang that was in the alley. They'll tell us what happened to your brother," Tyler said casually.

"What? No! I can't just go meet with some rebel gang! My mother would kill me, and if I get caught, I can kiss my good record goodbye!" Jada protested.

"You've got any better ideas?" Tyler looked at Jada and smirked.

Jada opened her mouth, but closed it when she couldn't think of anything to say. She hated when she couldn't think of a solution. She sighed."Fine."

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