Hi I'm Katie and i was inspired to start a blog on what is stupid in life i was intrigued by "Lets Rant " as seen in the summary.Anyway I decided to tell you 20 things about me that i thought were important.
1) I love softball and I play on a travel team.
2) I'm a country girl, I love the music and the rednecks.
3)I love old movies like The Little Rascals and The Lion King.
4)I'm obsessed with reading biographies and books by John Green.
5)I'm deathly afraid of birds.
6)I'm not a girly girl but i love cheer bows.
7)As a profession i want to be a baker.
8)In my opinion Chaining Tatum is the BEST EVER!
9)Puzzles are my 2nd obsession.
10)ELA is my favorite subject.
11)I made my sister (rachcel07)do the ice bucket challenge twice.
12) I play in my schools Jazz Band.
13)I play the saxophone.
14)My super power would be invisibility.
15)Purple and neon green are the best colors ever...(in my opinion).
16)I hate artificial people.
17)my sister showed me this site and my spare time is filled.
18)I'm allergic to Clarifil.
19)Cheetos are my favorite chip(chocolate covered pretzels and peanut butter are my favorite snack).
20)My favorite band is either Rascal Flats or Lady A.
Tfor reading I hope you enjoy I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I am warning you now that I might get offensive.
I'll try to write every day if not every week.