I love my sister

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I love her like a sister... HA very funny joke right? The way i see it i have two sisters one by blood and one by life.
Congrats to my blood sister Ray, she just was confirmed, that means becoming a full adult member of the christian Church.

there's a big section, the Catholics this covers all the different variations like Christians and Protestants.(Christians have the pope.)any way i love here more than a sister shes my best friend.

Now, the other sister in my life, the best friend. they say if you are friends with someone 7 years that it will last a lifetime.

Well, me and Mir have been friends for 10 and we're not yet 14. That's 5/7 of our lifetime shes my buddy my shoulder my every thing and she IS my sister.

Tell me about your sisters, please, vote comment,read,



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