people that don't know when to stop... this guy was talking to my "boyfriend" and he smirked and handed my "boyfriend" a bunch of ones. smiling he said,"come on 'my boyfriend's name' make it rain my heart sank there was this guy that i had a crush on forever getting told that i was a slut i've been called worst but not in font of my "boyfriend" i didn't cry i am not a wimp but i'm not a stone, i have a heart and feelings too i just walked away and recorded the message to my best friend who told the guy to fuck off and he didn't say any thing like that the rest of the day.but on the bright side if i haven't had left my "boyfriend" wouldn't have became my boyfriend.and bi'd still be obsessing over what a jackass that guy i just remember that every bastard will be put into place and every crush will sooner or later grow a pair and ask you out if it's meant to be.
thank's so much i love all of you.....
Katie <3