Beginnings and Endings

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Chapter 1:

The wind blew across my face; the chill woke me from my sleep as if someone had brushed their fingertips over my cheek. Looking across the river from the bank I could see the sun rising and the tide rolling out as I laid there still and waited for death to come and take me away. No one has ever really thought about how hard it is to die when you really want to but how easy it is to when you are fighting for your life and the lives of the ones you love. Looking back on it, it seemed so unfair to have lost the one I cared about most but then again the world is not fair is it? I guess I could say that I am a very lonely vampire now, how cruel it seems when you finally have forever with the one you love they slip through your hands. I am getting ahead of myself I need to start from the beginning and work my way to my slow but timely demise.  

The first day started out just another day at work, truly, but with one twist. The new boss is supposedly coming in today. Wonderful! The trouble is not that he is going to be my new boss so much that he will be the boss of my boss and that is never a good thing for just your average Jane secretary. When upper management changes it is always the low girl on the totem pole that gets the shaft. I lean around my cubical to get Maddy's attention, Madison Fletcher is another secretary like me to another boss, and we start complaining about the new head honcho that is already late.  

"Ms..., um what is your name?" a deep supple voice comes from behind Maddy and me while we are giggling. 

I jerk up straight and look at Maddy who is steadily becoming paler by the nanosecond. I cannot believe I just got gossiping about the new boss by the new boss. I just know I am fixing to lose my job. Wonderful! I turn to stand up straight and of course to make me look like a complete idiot I have to get my feet tangled in my own chair and trip falling head first in to the new boss. Without even looking at his face I try to pull myself up as I know my face turns from pale to random shades of red and only gets redder as I cannot seem to get my feet underneath me and hold my weight.  

"Wonderful, looks like I will be looking for a new job tomorrow. " I moan than look straight into the new upper managements' face with my own going flaming red. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I really like my job" yeah right. "And would really like to keep it." Yes. Please. 

" I forgot what I was going to say..." he seems to mumble as he tries to right me. I finally get my feet right and facing him on solid ground when I realize that he is just staring at me with the oddest look on his face. 

"I'm so sorry sir; I am usually not that clumsy. Was there something I could get you? Or help you with?" I stammer out trying to decide if I am going to get fired or just get a talking to from my own boss, as Maddy covers her own giggles knowing that I am always clumsy and usually hide it better. 

"I'm sorry. No I don't need anything. Thank you. I was just wondering if I know you from somewhere. It seems like we have met before and I cannot seem to place face and name together. I'm almost certain we have met somewhere. What is your name?" 

"I'm Isabella Wren and I don't think we have been introduced at all, sorry. What is your name?" I lamely say.... Where did all this polite conversation come from? I am usually very straight forward and brassy, as my boss is always reminding me about. 

"I'm sorry, I'm Fredrick Roberts. Isabella Wren... I don't remember that name or know anyone with that last name sorry. I must have been mistaken." Fredrick said with almost anger in his smooth voice. As he started to blush he turned away and walked into my boss Mr. Jones's office and closed the door with so much force that it raddled the pictures on the wall outside of it. 

"Well that is just wonderful. I make a fool of myself and then make him feel like an idiot for thinking he knew me. I've never even heard of him before. I guess I will just have to start packing my things now." I told Maddy as I moved my chair back behind my desk and sat back down. 

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