Chapter 2: Smoothies

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Chapter 2

I woke up to the bright sun pouring through my curtain-less window, momentarily blinding me when I opened my eyes. 

There was a knock on my door, followed by my Aunt’s voice. “There’s a purple towel in the bathroom for you if you’d like to shower! Breakfast in 20!” She called through the door. 

I heard her footsteps disappear as I slowly pulled myself out of bed. 

My clock flashed 6:54am. 

Why was I getting up so damn early? This was summer vacation…

I stumbled over to my suitcase, feeling both drunk and hungover, even though I was neither of those. My summer was supposed to contain lots of parties, lots of alcohol, and lots of late nights with Logan. But now I was single, in a town that I didn’t know anybody, and the thought of getting drunk with my aunt and brother was quite unappealing. 

I picked out a simple black string bikini that was really old. I’d bought it before the Bahamas last Christmas, but it still fit me.

I grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a plain white v-neck. I grabbed my hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, and soap, then quickly walked down the hall to the bathroom. 

I thought the shower would be freezing in this small, run down house. But it was pleasantly warm.

I didn’t even attempt to get a brush through my hair, and it wouldn’t make it up in a bun. So today was going to be a bad hair day… Oh well.

I put everything back into my room, then walked down the hall to the kitchen. 

I already could smell the bacon and pancakes. 

There was someone standing at the counter, pouring orange juice into four separate glasses, and it definitely wasn’t my aunt or brother. 

“Who the hell are you?” I asked quickly, walking around to the other side of the counter. 

“Chris.” He replied, not turning to look at me. My eyes momentarily widened when I realized that it was the tall attractive guy that I saw last night. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked carefully. 

“Pouring orange juice.” He said simply, putting the top on the large bottle. 

Chris was wearing a white tank top and black swim trunks, nothing on his feet. As he reached to put the orange juice back in the fridge, the muscles on his shoulder tensed, and a shiver ran through my stomach.

A smile grew on my face. 

“Where’s my aunt?” I asked. 

“On the porch.” Chris replied, taking a sip of his orange juice. 

“And my brother?” I frowned, unsure what was going on right now. 

“On the porch.” Chris replied, carrying the plates to the table.

“Why are you here?” I asked, crossing my arms. 

“He’s a family friend.” Aunt Audrey said as she walked into the kitchen with an annoyed Mark behind her. “Chris this looks delicious.” 

“Only the best for the best.” Chris smiled, sitting down at the table. 

Aunt Audrey sat next to him, leaving Mark and I to sit opposite my aunt and the stranger.

“Right. So now, by your father’s orders, we actually have to lay down some rules.” Aunt Audrey said, raising her eyebrows at me and my brother. Mark and I exchanged glances, both of us annoyed at our dad’s way of handling things. 

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