Chapter Fifteen Day with the Trio

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So this idea came to me last minute and wasnt planned at all I hope its still good. (it takes place after Wren is fully healed)

Third person p.o.v
Wren stood in her room staring out of her window pondering about what really happened during the car crash that ended her only families life. She rested her arms on the window sill letting the wind blow in her hair as she watched sally play outside with her toys. Wren felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around only to find Jane standing there, Wren smiled at Jane as her hand fell from her shoulder

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jane asked, Wren turned back around to the window once again resting her arms on the window sill

"I'm thinking about what really caused the car crash that killed my family," Wren said, jane tilted her head as her expression slightly fell, jane wrapped her arms around Wrens waist resting her head on the back of her shoulder

"What do you think caused it?" Jane asked

"I dont really know, there were no cars around and nothing else was damaged but the car," Wren said intently watching as sally threw her doll to the ground

"Do you think it was an animal?" Jane asked

"Probably not, I don't think it would've survived if it caused all that damage," Wren said turning around abd away from the window in Jane's grasp

"But I don't wanna worry about that right now, what brings you here?" Wren asked, Jane moved her arms to wrap them around Wrens neck

"I just wanted to see you that's all," she answered resting her head near Wrens shoulder, Wren wrapped her arms around Jane and rested her chin on Jane's head. A knock sounded at the door

"Sorry to ruin your little moment but slender needs you wren." masky said, they pulled apart and looked at masky

"O-oh ok ill be there in a second," Wren said, masky walked off to slendermans office leaving them alone again. Wren turned to look at Jane

"Ill be back soon I promise," Wren said kissing jane on the forehead and leaving the room.
Wren walked down the hallway to slendermans office feeling slightly bad that she has to leave jane like that, Wren knocked on his door and masky opened it, she walked in and stood infront if his large desk next to hoodie, masky, and toby

"Why did you need me?" Wren asked

"Today I'm sending all four of you kill someone that's a big threat to the Creepypasta," slender answered

"W-why do you ne-ed four of us?" Toby asked, slender took out a file handing it to them to look over

"They know too much, possibly even your weaknesses, that is why I'm sending all of you to make sure you get it done," The four nodded as they looked over the file, it had all of the mans information on there like where he lives, his name, age, and family

"Now go leave my office." Slenderman said sending them off on their way.
Time skip
The four proxies had made it out of the forest and were now looking for the mans house, it was day time and they had to be careful so they couldn't just go and wear masks everywhere and they couldn't walk along the edge if the woods people would notice, toby removed his mouth gaurd and goggles, masky and hoodie removing their masks as well

"This is his house," hoodie said as they stopped infront of a hidden house slightly moved back into the woods, there were no cars or anything

"Is he home?" Wren asked, masky shrugged

"He should be slender wouldnt jusr send us out to an empty house," he answered placing his mask back on his face the other following

"Alright we'll go around the back and brake in than do whatever we have to the kill him," masky said ordering them to follow him acting as if hes the boss, when they got to the back they noticed that the back door was open like just hanging open 'thats strange' they all thought entering the house broken glass crunching beneath their feet

"I think this house is abandoned," Wren whispered

"Yeah who would live i-" masky was cut off as bat was slammed against his head, he collapsed and someone was heard running to another room, Wren ran after the man trying to find him leaving masky on the ground, she grabbed her machete franticly looking around the living room, hoodie and toby joined her looking around. They heard something shuffle underneath a flipped couch, Wren raised a finger to her lips to quiet them and slowly made her way over to the couch, she instantly flipped the couch jumping on whoever was under there and stabbed them in the back, she covered the mans mouth to silence his screams as she pulled her machete out, she stood up finally letting him scream

"Here have your turn on him," she said cleaning off her machete, toby ran over first, as the man was trying to get up toby jumped on him landing hard on his spin snapping it with his feet, the man screamed and toby brought his hatchet down onto the mans leg, hacking away at it until the leg was dismembered from his body. Toby finally stepped away from his body letting hoodie shoot him in the head to end his misery quickly. Wren walked back over to the mans body bending down and lifting his head up by his scalp, she examined the unharmed parts of his face

"Guys," Wren said getting their attention

"What is it?" Hoodie asked

"We killed the wrong guy," she said standing up again, toby ran into the room again as he previously left it

"G-guys masky I-is gone!" He said franticly

"Where the fuck could he have gone?!" Wren shouted going into the room and seeing his unconscious form, toby and hoodie joined her as they looked around the kitchen standing there. Before toby could say anything each of them were hit with the same bat they all hit the floor at the same time


Welp they're in trouble now😗(not edited)

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