Chapter Eighteen Day 3 Escaping

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DISCLAIMER: Attempt of rape ( I'm so sorry) and you know it gooore.

Thrid person p.o.v
At the mansion
Jane and a few others from the mansion have decided it was time to finally ignore slender demands and go find their friends, jane really only going for her missing lover. Jane, E.J., seed, rake, and even sally were planning on going, rake and seed needed to go as well because they both had a great sense of smell, and knew Wrens scent very well. But they also gave them the others scents to help find all of them in case they're in different locations. They headed out the door ignoring slendermans angry pleas to "get back here or you'll get killed!" Though they knew very well that slenderman didnt care very much about them, he really only cared about how many he had working for him to do the job he got tired of over the years. But he did care when "Stitcher" died.
The four pastas continued their way around the forest, leading rake and seed to anyplace so that they could find any scent from them. Jane ran a hand through her hair, she looked over at sally who was looking over the grounds for any type of clue on where they were. E.J. sighed and placed the palm of his hand on his forehead.

"Guys you know we should just go to the house that had that guy they tried to kill," E.j. said. Jane stopped in her tracks

"That should've been the first place we checked," she sighed out.

"Alright change of plans we're going to the house." Jane announced.
Time skip
The four pastas finally made it to the house entering instantly as to not waist time, as their lives could be on the line at the moment. Jane ran into the house the other following behind her calmer than her. Seed perked at something and started walking the other direction.

"Seed-" jane cut herself off seeing where seed was going. They all followed after the creature while it sniffed the air ahead of it. Seed stopped at a mutilated body on the ground near a flipped couch. It sniffed the body all over finding multiple scents on it, it had almost overrided its senses.

"Do you think it smells them?" Sally asked clutching onto to James black turtle neck dress. Seed took off with rake, running out of the house.

"I'm sure it did." Jane answered picking up sally quickly and running after the two creatures. E.J. stood there for a second befire he realized everyone left.

"Shit!" He hissed before chasing after them as fast as he could.
Back to the others
Wren awoke with a gasp and in a cold sweat, she had woken up from whenever she had fallen asleep.

"When did I- uh what?" She whispered to herself confused. She looked around seeing the others asleep, well she thinks they're sleeping she cant tell with their masks.

"G'mor-n-ning sleepy h-head" toby stuttered out. Wren flinched looking over to toby (his chair is lifted again)

" you look terrible," Wren commented. Toby had visible eye bags and his skin was paler than the last time she seen him, which was only yesterday ' what happened?' Wren thought. Toby only chuckled looking forwards again ready for his fate. Wren took a breath in but stopped halfway, she almost stopped breathing entirely. When she took that breath she smelt something amazing and her vision faltered slightly. She knew what it meant. She clenched her jaw and furrowed her brows.

"No dont let the hunger get to you." She whispered to herself, trying to stop the feeling, the urges to eat anyone even her friends. She winced in pain as she tried to sit up slightly, she finally noticed the pain in both her stomach and throat. Sighing she gave up at moving and hung her head low, prepared for whatever was coming.
Time skip like a few minutes
The four pastas lifted their heads at the hatch opening. Masky and hoodie were awake the whole time, they just didn't want to talk. The familiar man walked down the steps closing the hatch, he had a new weapon in hand. A bat. He smirked seeing the condition of each of them. Hoodies bandegdes were bloodied, almost entirely covered in blood, and his eyes were bloodshot. Masky had the same problems with his bandegdes, had tears stained on his cheeks and he refused to look the man in the eye. Wren looked paler, she had blood stained on multiple places on her face, and her eyes looked crazed yet tired at the same time. Toby was of course paler as well, and his body was more twitchy than usual. He walked over to toby, devious smirk still on his face.

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