Chapter Four

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^Wait For Me- Motopony ^
"I can't believe Matty Healy actually invited us to a party!" Marly squeals.

I roll my eyes. "For the last time Marly, Matty did not invite us, it's a filmed after party for all the bands that everyone was invited to." I say applying a thick layer of burgundy lipstick.

"I know but still!" She squeals.

Emily strops out of the dressing cubical in a dark pink pencil skirt and a black crop top. "I'm going to file a formal complaint about our stylist because this is getting ridicules."

"You look nice." Marly smiles.

"I look disgusting." she sulks. "This body deserves more!"

"Please, get over you self." I hear Annie mumble. They haven't made up yet.

"I'm excited for tonight." I smile applying some more mascara.

"But Rowan, Emily two bottles of beer or two glasses of wine at a maximum, okay?!" Annie warns.

"What?! No way!" Me and Emily shout.

"Seriously guys, you two can't get drunk at a charity event on national TV!" Annie says sternly.

I sigh. "I guess not."

"Wait are the results being red tonight?" Marly questions.

"Yup." Says Emily.

"Ekk." I laugh.


"I hate all the music there playing." Emily sighs, picking at her nails.

"Don't say that to loud!" Annie hisses, looking towards one of the cameras.

Emily throws her a dirty look. "I don't care."

"How many glasses of wine have you had?!" Annie says grabbing a glass from Emily's hand.

Emily purses her lips as grabs the glass back. "Three."

Annie goes to shout at her but I place my hand on her arm to tell her to not bother.

The camera heads towards us. "Shit what do we do?!" I hiss.

"I don't know." Marly panics.

"Just pretend I said something really funny." Annie whispers.

Instantly we all burst into a fit of completely obvious fake laughter.

"Bass Invaders hello!" Reggie Yates smiles. "Come on budge up, budge up." he smiles coming to sit next to Marly on the end of the sofa. "Great performance last night girls."

"Thanks." Annie smiles.

"What do you reckon your chances are tonight?" He asks.

"We're gonna fuc..." Emily starts but I clasp my hand over her face because I know she was gonna swear.

"We are just here to have a good time." I laugh awkwardly.

Reggie laughs. "Don't worry Emily you can swear in about an hour."

Emily clasps into her self, sipping her wine.

"So Rowan you been talking to Ashton tonight?" He integrates.

"You asked me this last year." I laugh.

"Just asking the questions everybody wants to know." he smiles back.

I look straight at the camera. "Listen you lot, nothing is going on with me and Ashton Irwin, nor is anything going to happen with me and Ashton Irwin okay?"

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