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Jisung remembers the first time he's ever heard his daughter laugh. She was only four months old, small and frail body being held tightly within her father's hold. The two were in his old bedroom, sitting on his twin sized bed as the blonde hadn't found a nice house that was affordable yet. His back was pressed against his head board and his legs were bent upwards. He was even slouching a little, to which he found the slightest bit uncomfortable. But resting against the soft fabric of his pajama pants was his little girl. Even though he let out the occasional groan because his spine was bent for so long, a gummy smile couldn't help but stay stuck to his face while looking at Esme. He every now and again made funny faces, hoping to catch a reaction from her—but for each result, all he had gotten was curious brown eyes staring back.

Jisung has seen her smile; he's even seen her squirm in excitement as he prepared her a bottle. And each time he-himself would gleefully grin at her joy. But not once has he heard her laugh. It's normal, children don't usually gain the ability to belt out laughter until a certain age. He was just so impatient. He couldn't wait for the moment where he was finally able to hear even the faintest of giggles. It's why he raised his fingers to her round stomach and wiggled them around. She moved at the touch and gave a smile, but no sound. Jisung gave a mock pout, using a pitched voice to ask why she won't say anything. Of course he never got a response, but that didn't stop him from asking her the simple question repeatedly. It just wasn't until he raised a finger just below her chin and gave it a light tickle did such a beautiful sound finally escape.

Immediately Jisung gasped with widened eyes. He repeated the same movement in the crook of her neck, smiling brightly at the choked giggle she squealed out. It wasn't the most pleasant sound, but the blonde found it absolutely amazing; she was amazing. So looping his fingers under her arms, and raising her in the air, he laughed along with her. He praised her for the accomplishment.

And as the single father chased her around the small home years later, he couldn't keep that same grin from his face. He will always admire the screams that were mixed in with her loud and obnoxious laugh.

"I got you!" He chuckled while lifting her from the ground. She kicked and squealed in his grasp, begging to be put down. She didn't want to be eaten by her father who was at the moment a monster. Felix watched the sight from the soft couch, cup of tea in hand. "Come on now quokka, time to get dressed."

She stopped squirming to look at her father with those same wonder-filled irises.


"Because we're gonna go to the park. You wanna play on the swings don't you?" He danced his fingers against her stomach, loving the soft giggle she released.

"The park!?" She squeezed her father's cheeks between her tiny hands, excitement radiating through her. "Yeah daddy! Let's go!"

"Alright, alright" Chuckling once again, he removed her small hands from his face and gently placed her back on her feet. "You gotta put on your play clothes though."

"I was told that Melody and Mark will be there too" The voice of Felix echoed out next. He had a teasing tone to his voice that easily matched the smirk he gave to the little girl. Jisung couldn't help but raise a suspicious eyebrow from Esme's cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"I go change now" She rushed. Her small feet padded against the hard floor, fading the more she scurried off to her room. And once she was gone from the living room, Jisung gave his best friend a questionable glance.

"What was that about?" He even jabbed his thumb over his shoulder, motioning in the direction that his daughter ran off in. Felix shrugged in innocence, focusing his attention back on the television that played some random drama. He sipped at his tea with raised brows and that same mischievous grin.

"Don't know. Maybe she's just happy to see her new friends? Chan has been telling me non-stop about how the three of them are always excited to see one another at daycare."

Jisung narrowed his eyes at the Australian.

"Yeah, okay. She's just like you. Happy to be able to see your new friend...Jungkook?" The blonde smirked in triumph when watching Felix's ears become the same shade of red as his hair. "Don't think I haven't noticed how close you two became."

"It's nothing" The younger one cleared his throat. "Like you said, we're friends."

"Yeah right" Jisung scoffed. "Friends don't make out on my couch when they should be watching my daughter" Almost immediately after Felix whipped his head around to stare wide eyed at the single father. His mouth hung open and his face was flushed.

"How do you know about that? Did Esme tell you!? Oh that little brat!"

Jisung was struck by surprise from the indirect confession. He didn't think what he said was true. It was only meant to be a joke. But now he was returning the flustered foreigner's words with a grimace.

"Wait, you guys actually-" Felix hid his face between his hands. "Please tell me Esme was asleep at least?"

"It's not like we had sex."

"It's practically the same thing when a three year old is in the other room!"

At the end of his sentence, out came that same little girl they were mentioning only seconds before. And just like she said she was going to go do, she changed clothes. She returned in a completely different outfit. It's just that she didn't succeed like hoped. Her shirt was on backwards and she only had one leg in the baby blue leggings she chose.

"I need help daddy."

She was pouting as she tried to put the other leg in. Hopping on one foot, she almost fell over. Thankfully Jisung was only a few steps away and managed to catch her before she landed on the hard floor. And when helping her keep her balance, he was able to observe her new appearance. She looked disoriented. The blonde couldn't hold back the little snicker dancing in his throat.

"Esme baby...your shirt is on wrong" He tapped at her back where a picture of a unicorn standing on a rainbow was printed. Esme tried to turn her neck in order to see what her father was talking about, but she just looked like a dog chasing their tail.

"So help me daddy!"

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